Freaked Out
If you "whip" them, then why do you care? I think it's a good option. Especially for those players new t the game. It's tough enough to be new to a game like this, but to have starter gear against players with the best stuff as well.... Can be discouraging. It's an option and options are always a good thing.
True, but on the flip side. For those who've had and played the game before these packs were sold, they've played countless hours trying to get all of the best weapons, and someone can just buy them, and be on the same level. I think you should earn them by leveling up and getting them, but so be it.
I can't wait to start back up in 2 weeks after finals. And I can't wait for the close quarters pack coming in June.

Another thing that I don't like is the servers. Why make the rounds so dang long...? Most are like 500 tixs or even more. I don't have the patience or time to play that long. I always seem to go back to the matches that only has 100 kills. Nice and short.