One of Intel's will cost more than your entire list.
6 is affordable.
They're up to 8 now; now that's expensive.
One of Intel's will cost more than your entire list.
6 is affordable.
They're up to 8 now; now that's expensive.
I think brand its self makes COD have outstanding figures and its almost fashionable for the casual gamer to own a copy of COD and obviously the fact you can pick it up and play.
For the hardcore gamers, its those reasons that make it so frustrating.
If COD paste there next game over with blue guns or better flames, it will still sell a bucket load.
You just get the feeling this series if stripped back and re-done, re-thought out, It could go to another level and really raise the bar very much like COD4 did its day.
I agree with this, in my opinion, COD you can just turn it on and start playing. Theres not much of a learning curve and you'll get your kills and your streaks and off you go. BF3 again just opinion, but theres a learning curve, especially if your playing on a map with vehicles. You cant just run around and spray everything. COD is made for running an gunning and spraying everything in sight. Again Im not saying COD is bad, Im not trying to start that argument, I like MW3 its a good solid game as I mentioned, but I just feel like BF3 has a much deeper game mechanic as to what you can do or how you play it.
The trick is following and pulling the trigger on their hottest deals. Do you know how to build your own PC? I can't attach the processor, my buddy does that. After that I do the rest.
My box:
$120 for an solid state drive (SSD); 99 GB - it was supposed to be $90 but I didn't mail in the rebate on time.
$20 network card.
$90 RAM (you could totally get this for dirt cheap nowadays).
$30 PC case.
$50 motherboard with 2 PCI-e slots so you can link both video cards.
$90 power supply.
$100 GALAXY GTS-450 but really $60 with $40 rebate.
$100 EVGA GTS-450
Total is $600. $560 minus the video card rebate; $530 if I got that SSD rebate.
And that's just basics; I didn't add a keyboard, mouse and speakers (which I got from work mind you they're not high end). But it's totally affordable.
Get tons 16 GBs of RAM, a 6 core processor. An SSD helps but it's not recommended. Get some cheap NVidia video cards and link 'em with an SLI cable and make sure your motherboard supports that feature too.
You won't be able to run BF3 set on Ultra with this rig.
You won't be getting a smooth 60 fps anyway.
Unfreaking real
That was AWESOME plus perfect use of music
Holy crap, you can fly jets? Can you fight in the air and on the ground in the same multiplayer map?
...wait, was that even multiplayer?
I haven't played regular video games in years...
Holy crap, you can fly jets? Can you fight in the air and on the ground in the same multiplayer map?
...wait, was that even multiplayer?
Thanks, I understood what he was doing though.Yes, you can fly jets and fight on ground in the same multiplayer map. The video is crazy because the guy was flying the jet in multiplayer mode, ejected out of it going straight up, shot the jet chasing his jet with a rocket launcher and blew it up, and then fell down and re-entered his jet.