Exciting new details on Battlefield 4 vehicles
Vehicles will feature more unlocks, custom decal designs, and "disabled vehicles" has been replaced with a "critical hit" feature.
DICE has revealed a ton of exciting new details on Battlefield 4 vehicles, outlining many of the new features found in the game.
For starters, and as we know, Battlefield 4 will feature a vehicle test range, where players will be able to test out and learn to drive/fly/operate all of the vehicles featured in the game. All vehicles will get more unlocks compared to BF3, and will feature camos and custom decal designs as well.
Finally, real naval combat
In Battlefield 4, naval combat finally makes a big appearance. Unlike previous games in the series, where naval combat was limited to a rubber boat with a machine gun, Battlefield 4 will feature real attack boats that are just as powerful as their land based counterparts, the tanks and APCs. In fact, boats will be some of the most versatile vehicles, having the capability to engage both infantry, land vehicles, and air vehicles as well. DICE goes as far as to call some of the attack boats “tanks on water”.
In addition to attack boats, Battlefield 4 will feature jet skis (or Personal Water Craft), and the trusted RHIB transport boats.
More vehicle customization
All vehicles in the game will be more customizable as well. For one, players will be able to create their own decals to place on vehicles, but all vehicles are set to feature more weapon unlocks as well. For example the mobile AAs such as the LAV-AD and the Tunguska will have different AA missiles, some meant for short range against helicopters, other for long range against jets.
Tanks and other vehicles now have an extra customization slot, where one slot deals with the main weapon, another with optics, and a third with countermeasures. This way, players don’t have to chose between optics or countermeasures.
No more “disabled vehicles”
In BF3, vehicles could be “disabled” after a certain amount of hits, rendering them immobile and practically useless unless there was an Engineer nearby. This has been replaced with a new feature called “critical hit”. When a vehicle takes a direct, high damage hit, it will be counted as a “critical hit”, which will briefly, for a few seconds, render the vehicle immobile. This will depend on where the vehicle is hit.
Two types of jets in the game
Finally, the Battlefield 4 jets have been split into two categories: standard attack jets with focus on air to ground combat, and stealth jets, with focus on air to air combat. The two types will have their own set of unlocks to match their new combat roles. This will add another layer of tactical combat to the gameplay, and should help against some of the “do it all” overpowered jets found in the previous game.