Broke and happy
He's just upset over a 4K videocard purchase, pay him no mind.

He's just upset over a 4K videocard purchase, pay him no mind.
Ah, so you got the Quadro K6000
Ah, so you got the Quadro K6000
How could I resist. Its a steal at 5k.
Battlefield 4 is unplayable on the PC
The PC version suffers from crashes and freezes, making it practically unplayable.
Battlefield 4 has been out for a few days now, and everyone seems to be enjoying it. Except a big portion of PC gamers (including us here at BF4Central), who are seeing constant crashes and freezes. It’s tough to say this, but we have to be honest here: from personal experience, the game is utterly unplayable in its current state.
And according to complaints on Twitter, Reddit, and the official EA forums, we aren’t the only ones. Widespread reports of random crashes and freezes are popping up everywhere, and it seems that some players can’t finish a single match without problems.
The crashes and instability seem to be happening on all sorts of hardware configurations, And when it does crash or freeze, players loose all progress, unlocks, and stats they accumulated during the match.
Even when the game works, it’s plagued by issues. Sound bugs are present on many maps (such as Lancang Dam), where the sound will cut out completely at times. Player movement and action is bogged down by massive rubber banding and lag, even on a good connection and on low ping servers. Worse, the hit box registration is still off (something DICE said was “fixed” after the beta).
So far DICE has only issued the generic “we are aware of the issue” reply. If only they were aware before the game shipped. It’s astounding that these sort of issues have plagued every single Battlefield game since BF2. And yet, we somehow expected a developer of DICE’s caliber to learn from their mistakes.
From personal experience, over half of Battlefield t multiplayer matches result it either a crash or a freeze. Most of the rest of the matches are unplayable due to the lag and rubber banding issue.
It hurts us to say this, but at this point, we wouldn’t recommend anyone getting Battlefield 4 on the PC. Wait until the first patch or two fix these issues. Or get the game on consoles, where it seems to be running great.
I played the campaign from start to finish with no problems.
being playing online and I have no problems at all.
I played the campaign from start to finish with no problems.
being playing online and I have no problems at all.
This is nothing new. I remember bf3 having problems on all formats when it came out. Mostly due to the servers being crap, but bugs too. Theyll patch the crap out of this game like they did with 3. Games are never finished anymore. Thanks to online patches, theyre released needing a lot of little fixes that we get trickle fed.
It's just weird, I guess all these bugs aren't as prevalent as the report makes it seem. You 2 seem to have no problem. Gates doesn't see to have a problem as well.
Yeah, I chalk it up mostly to bad servers.
Both versions look really great in my opinion I actually think the xbox one version looks better at certain parts but thats just me.
Yeah I know its running at slightly less res but I like the look of the xbox version overall. Both look very awesome tho and cant wait to play it.
If anyone is playing on PC and has nVidia graphics cards, they released BF4 specific drivers this week. I think it has helped tremendously from preventing the game to crash.
FPS matters to me mostly. Do you guys experience a drop in FPS while on the console during the BF3 days?
The Xbox version looks sharper, though it looks like the anti-aliasing is much less, and the framerate isn't as good. Supposedly it's a lower resolution but I'm not really seeing that.