Broke and happy
Yeah I'm strictly talking graphics. To me, this BF 4 MP demo looks like BF 3 MP. I was hoping to see a bigger jump in graphics.
I thought it looked better.
Not a-lot better, but definately an improvement.
Yeah I'm strictly talking graphics. To me, this BF 4 MP demo looks like BF 3 MP. I was hoping to see a bigger jump in graphics.
I think that was a PC demo.
What's more important for me is the inclusion of console 64 over the graphics, which are good enough by this point.
Yes, would I love for BF4 console to look just like BF3 PC set on ultra graphics, of course I would.
But 64 for console is more important.
You wanna know how I know you're serious? Because you've said this about million times.
Graphically it looks good. The leaps get less and less noticeable as we get more and more advanced with the hardware. The improvements are going to be more subtle. Lighting and physics...more complex geometry and textures...the days of being surprised and blown away by a new systems graphics are probably over. That's ok though...we're just at that stage where graphics are looking pretty good and it takes alot to make them look better.
You wanna know how I know you're serious? Because you've said this about million times.
It's 64 or GTFO for jye.
If I could have sex with this game I would.
Commander looks interesting, co-ordinating a live game sounds like it'll be fun & immersive