Oh- just watched first ep of S10. Wasn't impressed.
^ It's because of the delay (again) on the Clara figure, just a £10 discount on any purchase code. I presume it has gone out to everyone who pre-ordered herThis is what it said....
"Dear customer,
Thank you for your pre-order of the Clara Oswald Series 7B 1:6 Scale Collector Figure.
Your hand-made collectable is in production and we wanted to update you on the arrival status of your item. The expected delivery date has unfortunately slipped several months past the date we originally advised.
Whilst every effort is made to meet the advised delivery date, delays can always occur. With the absence of Doctor Who from our screens in 2016 we experienced a downturn in interest for a number of Doctor Who related products and as such we have had to extend the pre-order period.
We do apologise for the delay, but we wanted to update you on the status of your item. The revised anticipated delivery date is September - October 2017.
As a token of our appreciation for your continued patience and support, please find herewith a unique discount coupon code for £10* which can used against the purchase of any item from our online store. See the terms and conditions below"
I see. Thanks. Guess I can go ahead and order McGann then.cant wait to get him in hand in 2020.
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They had a perfect opportunity to do his stories as the next TV series. Instead they made the decision that they did.
It's obvious that he's interested in the character: all the Big Finish stuff.
Our new show runner's nepotism has had his choice of lead on the books for a long time ....
Anyways: this figure has an awesome looking costume, and although I find the expression a little, odd, there is one shot that is quite stunning. His head tipped slightly forward - makes all the difference.
Hey, that's pretty cool. I only have one pop, the 4th Doctor. I display that in the 1:6 collection alongside the BC 4th.
What about the Character figures, there's at least one of every Doctor, and their 8th is one of their best.
They had a perfect opportunity to do his stories as the next TV series. Instead they made the decision that they did.
Thing is, we could even do his stories before Hurt. We have footage of him as the Doctor in Night of the Doctor. I see no reason why he couldn't have his own stories before the time war. We've already seen that he's aged since the movie. Besides, I don't think I'd want Chibnall to write for McGann. He's written some of the worst episodes of DW.
I like to have Pops with my 1/6 figures. Since 8 will never get an official vinyl, I decided to make one myself.
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