Excuse my cynicism, but it is rather easy, not to mention convenient, to vaguely and continually blame nameless other parties for every single problem that comes along, rather than taking any responsibility for any of the problems or delays themselves. Particularly when those other parties are never actually going to be around to say otherwise or defend themselves. At this point it just feels like the corporate version of a dog ate my homework. At least to me, anyway. And regardless, at this point, true or not, I'm a bit beyond caring about the excuses anyway, or the pointing of fingers. The end result is the same, more delays with no end in sight.
That said, I can't help but wonder what the excuse will be for the next set of delays, or, God forbid, if this new factory doesn't deliver the quality increase that has been promised. But no matter what happens, if there are more problems or more delays, I'm sure it still won't ever be Big Chief's fault in any way, it seemingly never is...
I keep hoping BCS will finally turn the corner and prove my doubts and fears and growing cynicism completely wrong, they have two licenses I truly care about, their core sculpts are usually very good (meaning I've been able to salvage even the disappointing releases with a good repaint, turning them into pieces I am truly glad to own...well, except Rose), and I genuinely hate being a negative ass about the company as often as I feel like I am, because I actually want them to do well, but alas these days they sure don't make it easy to keep the faith...
Still, could be worse, I guess. At least they're not Molecule8...