Beetlejuice 2

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They're doing the cliché slowed down song performed by a woman. I've seen that in about a thousand trailers. We'll see. At least we're getting merchandise out of it.

It's all so very tiresome, isn't it?

Slowed down song....frames of black between edits....slow build up to the reveal.

Or in the new Aliens trailer it's the same thing but instead of the slowed down pop song it's "bwaaaahhhm.........bwaaaaaahm........bwaaaaaaaaahm."

Same ****. Over and over and over again.

Yet every single time, people proclaim how "epic!!!!" it is.

I'm so tired.
Yes, that was my same feeling. I really wanted to be into this, but when they did the same garbage the Ghostbusters reboot trailer gave us I am significantly less interested than I was before. And Burton is a shell of what he used to be, so I'm not overly optimistic to start with.
Most trailers are cut by a small handful of trailer houses. Would explain why they're so formulaic.

Here's one you won't be able to un-notice: if it's not a piano note, every trailer starting with a low bass tone of some sort.
I see more of the constant slow fade in, or the quick flash shot to dramatic one note score.

I know a lot people don't care about costume changes around here, but Beetlejuice's costume, like many costumes in sequels, is different from the original film.

I know, I know, clothes change over time and people don't wear the same clothes they did 40 years ago. Same thing was said about Indiana Jones in that thread. However, I still think the costume makes the character, so it's important to preserve the right design.

Some changes I see so far, the tie is wider and it doesn't have the lights/studs on it. The jacket has two buttons instead of one. The lapels are much wider and a completely different shape. The originals were thin and in style with 80s fashion.

The sleeves are wider and longer. In the first film the sleeves were too short and tighter. His white shirt has long sleeves now. In the original, he wore short sleeves, so you could see his forearms and watches.

The overall cut of the suit/ jacket was tighter, more boxy, very in style for the 80s. It almost looked like it was a size too small. The new one looks baggy, which makes him look more like one of those Universal Studios cosplayers. Maybe I'm just nitpicking. I hope he's wearing combat boots with the pants tucked in the boots. He'll look super lame if he's wearing shoes instead of boots.
Yeah I noticed the costume changes too, but I think it's mostly to make him look a bit more messy and shambolic due to how much time has passed. Or maybe it's just what Keaton felt more comfortable working in at this age.
Just another example of how crappy the new suit is when compared to the old one.

Look how the middle black stripe on the jacket connects perfectly to the black stripe on the lapel. It all flows perfectly. The whole suit does.


Now here's the new suit. The middle black stripe does not connect properly to the lapel, which affects the flow of the stripes, and instead makes it look like a cheap Halloween costume. It's one of the reasons the costume looks off. They can't even match the damn stripes. The tip of the lapel is in the middle of what should be a solid white space.

New poster. It looks cool, except for one little thing...the boots are wrong. He wore high combat boots in the original with the pants tucked in the boot, military style. That made him look cool...

I guess he also got rid of all the watches he used to wear.

I think it's gonna be awesome, coming from someone who generally has zero faith in new films, sequels, today's Hollywood ect.

I think Keaton is gonna bring it, again.

Aside from Keaton being Beetlejuice, I will admit - little worried about the direction of the rest of the cast.

Where the story will go. How much it falls back to the original. It's very tricky.

As long as they don't exploit, rape and pillage the original for everything they can in the name of "nostalgia", I think they got a shot.

Hopefully optimistic. And again, if this film bombs, I highly doubt it'll be because Keaton didn't bring life back into this character one more time..

I think he'll be the one thing that worked, above all else.
It's a shame that they went ahead and killed off Jeffrey Jones' character even though the actor is still alive. Feels like less of a reunion that way

Wait....he did what?

OK, never mind...
The film only works with Keaton as Beetlejuice again. Which he is. In makeup, hiding his age

Personally, in not interested in this new thing where 70 yr olds reclaim their 30 yr old characters in films that the majority of.. "modern audiences" don't know of, don't care about ect.

I don't wanna see a 70 yr old Rambo.
I don't wanna see a 70 yr old Conan
I don't wanna see a 70 yr old Mad Max
I don't wanna see a 70 yr old Blade

I DEFINITELY don't wanna see a old ass, ridiculous looking Wolverine in a silly ass looking suit, some geriatric, saggy skinned, attempting to cash in on the glory days ass...

The Deadpool gimic is soooooo done. Just stop. That comedic element is past its prime ffs.


Ect. Ect...

Keaton's Beetlejuice works because he can be that character again AND NOT LOOK LIKE A SENIOR CITIZEN doing it because of the makeup.
Bunch of old actors doing zany things.

They ALL come back to milk da teet.

The greatest revenge of all was Liam Neeson -- poopooing Star Wars because it wasn't serious acting and then making a life of mostly below-average Death Wish actioners that are all exactly the same. Like the young boy he found in the desert, he became the very thing he once hated.
Liam Nelson needed that Star Wars money after he said he wanted to a unalive a black guy lol
I love Liam in pretty much everything he's been in aside from those dreadful Taken sequels and that horrid Disney Star Wars cameo.

I hear he's currently being canceled (he doesn't give a ****, his career is long over and he's worth big money) over defending Kevin Spacey just because he's a great actor lol?