Bespin Han 15 Day Notice

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Got my notices for the regular and exclusive just now in the inbox. Can't wait to see the Mynock!
Got my notice for Han - he is one of the ones I am most excited about - still waiting for Sith Anakin to ship - my account has been saying 'items shipping soon' since last Friday - what up?
I was actually bummed it wasn't the notice for SDCC Freddy or Subject Number 5, as it would be nice to get a break from all the Star Wars!
Buttmunch said:
The question is, how many will be posing him with the mask on? :lol I wonder if the exclusives' box will be larger than the regular Han to fit the Mynock in?

After displaying it for a few months mine is going to be put back in his plastic case and posed behind Jabba until the real carbonite Han comes out.
Wor-Gar said:
I have no notice. I never get notices. Something about my server. Sucks.

I never get them either. Thank the maker for the forum.:D
Wine wasn't there this morning but came in this afternoon...Can't wait to have my first non Jedi in the collection!
I got my notice too (Exclusive), around noon today.

Can't wait to get the first figure from the HOTR line, I did not expect him till September.

Now if we could only get the notice for "Obi Wan"...

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Got my exclusive notice today as well, was expecting Aragorn or Obi first... but this is a pleasant surprise. I'm excited to finally see this figure in person since everyone says its so much better that way! And I guess I'll get to stick the Mynock up on my fridge :lol
Yeah I got the notice for the regular and exclusive, which means I may have to do some Indiana Jones custom work to one if the likeness is good enough.
I guess they must be having some kind of production problem with "Obi Wan"?

Still, I'd rather they take their time and release him when everything is done right and he's ready.

I believe the robe was the same color as Luke's and Anakin's and Sideshow said no way. Good for them. As many people complain over the little things, the color of the robe seems like a pretty big deal to get right. I could see wars being started over something like that.
At least it sounds like we'll be getting the notice in the next week or two.