Bespin Han 15 Day Notice

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Darth Loki said:
At least it sounds like we'll be getting the notice in the next week or two.
Or possibly tonight!!! (Seems like I say that every week.... hmmm) :rolleyes:
pixletwin said:
Or possibly tonight!!! (Seems like I say that every week.... hmmm) :rolleyes:

I'm sure it's not out of the realm of possibilities but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Han should start to ship later this week, figure around Thursday 17th. I'm surprised we haven't seen him show up on the Asian boards yet.
pjam said:
Han should start to ship later this week, figure around Thursday 17th. I'm surprised we haven't seen him show up on the Asian boards yet.
The Chinese site has been down for a day or two. Who knows? They may have pics when it comes back up again.
tomandshell said:
I want mine ASAP. I have been looking forward to getting that mynock for a while now.

Yo tomtom, you'll probably have Han on your swingset and the myno on your fridge no later than sat morning if all goes as planned.
I hope so. Regardless of the negative comments I have read, Han is one I am really looking forward too. I missed the Ex. tho, so no mynock for me! :D
pjam said:
Yo tomtom, you'll probably have Han on your swingset and the myno on your fridge no later than sat morning if all goes as planned.

I never got a Sith Anakin swingset shot, so I will have my work cut out for me next weekend.
tomandshell said:
I never got a Sith Anakin swingset shot, so I will have my work cut out for me next weekend.
You should just wait till the first week of September and do a group shot like you did with Kit. :D
tomandshell said:
I never got a Sith Anakin swingset shot, so I will have my work cut out for me next weekend.

Yep. Looking forward to seeing Leia and Han swinging together again too... :inlove :date
Im keen to get Han, cant wait to make customs using him, hoth garb etc, but maul....oh how that sucks, IMHO my custom was better! And the new owner agrees whole heartedly