Best Phantom Menace Review

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That's why it was posted, glad you enjoyed it.(we all wanted to enjoy TPM to the fullest) Don't let the likes of Nam lessen the enjoyment.:peace

i actually agree with the majority of nam's posts. i was rediculously stoked to see TPM in the theatre. i can honestly say the feeling i had right before it started, when the lights went down was almost the same way a ifelt in '83 waiting for rotj to start.

and even after TPM was over and it wasn't as good as i wanted it to didn't stop me from going back to see it the next day with my wife.

i agree with almost every point in the review but at the same time i still like the TPM. the OT are still 3 of my all time favorite movies...ESB might be my favorite movie ever. i am a huge EU geek. i buy all the books, comics and figures. i like lightsabers and lightsaber fights. who am i to throw stones? :lol

my kids dig the TPM. so while the pod race makes my eyes glaze over now my kids have fun and like watching it. anakin makes me cringe everytime he talks but my 5 year likes him b/c it's a little kid in a movie that actually does stuff. my dad may have thought the speeder bikes or the ewoks were stupid but he never said anything. he let me enjoy it as a kid and never berated me with how stupid some plot point or some piece of dialogue might seem to an adult.
oh, man i love EU stuff...even the cheesy, over-reaching aspect of some of the stories.

The only thing that bothers me the most with the EU stuff after the OT is the constant reference to the movies. I am reading the books I think I know what happened in the movies, we do not need to relate everything to them!!
This review is just amazing, because it's so damn accurate to how I felt about TPM, and the prequel trilogy as a whole. He hit on a lot of the points I make when someone asks me why I stopped collecting Star Wars and fell out of love with the series.
Stop the AOTC hate, I love that movie flaws and all lol. I can stand parts of the TPM, but the thing is if you begin to overanalyze it and break it down it falls apart quickly.

I found TPM lackluster, AOTC boring, and ROTS too slow. It's a flawed trilogy, but I mean come on it's still SW right? Even though any one of us could write 3 better films.
I think it makes sense that Episodes 1 to 3 are not as good as 4 to 6. I learned in literature that a story should gradually ascend in intensity until it reaches its climax. Something like sex. I'm guessing Lucas deliberately held back with TPM since it's the very first chapter after all. Then he upped it with AOTC, then went higher with each chapter until we reach the climax that is ROTJ.

We could see the effect of the drama ascending when all 6 films are viewed in sequence. In other words, TPM was obligated to be "dumbed down." I believe its only purpose was to establish things, to plant seeds, to set the stage for bigger things to come, and not overpower the last 3 episodes.

I'm also happy with the idea that the new trilogy has given the whole Star Wars saga more scope. We got a better look at Coruscant and other worlds, in effect bringing another dimension to Star Wars.
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Stop the AOTC hate, I love that movie flaws and all lol. I can stand parts of the TPM, but the thing is if you begin to overanalyze it and break it down it falls apart quickly.

I found TPM lackluster, AOTC boring, and ROTS too slow. It's a flawed trilogy, but I mean come on it's still SW right? Even though any one of us could write 3 better films.

I happen to enjoy watching AOTC, it has it's moments. Especially the gumshoe Kenobi scenes.
That's why I love this painting so much ---


It really makes me think about what Vader must have been thinking at that moment.


I haven't watched a dissection that good since Jr. High Biology class.

Mr. Plinkett pretty much hits everything on the mark. Though the target's a pretty big & easy one to aim for.

No matter how many times a person keeps beating it, the TPM horse is still dead...