Betelgeuse.. Betelgeuse... Betelgeuse!!

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Just in case he does something I'm interested in, in the future. How does his ordering system work if it's first come first serve and more people pay than there are spots? Meaning with 10 of these, what happens when 20 pay in full all at the same time?

First come, first serve! The people that miss have they're money refunded. Gotta be quick and the funds ready. Good luck to everyone getting this.

Just in case he does something I'm interested in, in the future. How does his ordering system work if it's first come first serve and more people pay than there are spots? Meaning with 10 of these, what happens when 20 pay in full all at the same time?

In the interest thread, you post you're interested. Then your name is added to the list. After the list is full there is a waitlist. You have to pay or then the next on the waitlist is up.

Check his Myers thread for an idea as to how he does it.
First come, first serve! The people that miss have they're money refunded. Gotta be quick and the funds ready. Good luck to everyone getting this.


That's my point. If all he does is post his PayPal and then says order now and 20 people order 10 figures what next? Does he go off a time stamp of the payment or something?

Edit: just saw DP's post. So when he says it's up you just say put me on the list and that buys you time to make the payment before anyone else?
Again, he's going to fill his orders up to a certain point. I certainly don't see him just doing 10 peices... C'mon Folks!
In the interest thread, you post you're interested. Then your name is added to the list. After the list is full there is a waitlist. You have to pay or then the next on the waitlist is up.

Check his Myers thread for an idea as to how he does it.

Don't think it's gonna go down like that last time I heard from Beto. I could be wrong though.
So one guy is convinced this is going to be an open order, one thinks it's going to be put your name on a list, one thinks it's going to be pay as soon as he says go, and I have no clue. It certainly has all the makings of a **** storm.
Just in case he does something I'm interested in, in the future. How does his ordering system work if it's first come first serve and more people pay than there are spots? Meaning with 10 of these, what happens when 20 pay in full all at the same time?

Good question, though I'm guessing the payments will be timestamped, and those after the last number in the edition size would have their payments refunded...

I'm just guessing, of course.
Thanks, man! I just have to get a copy of that episode somehow. I tried to show off some of Beto's work, so I hope it made the cut. We'll see... :dunno

I'm watching it right now - WOW Marlo.

Not to hijack this thread, but man - you seem like a great guy, with a great collection.

But I was most impressed with your artistic skills - just amazing.

It's always nice to put a face with a name on a forum; I hope you can get to do what you love, and clearly what you're very talented at.

As for the pieces they showed - Wonka, the Riddick you were working on, Smallville Supes, saw a Walking Dead piece, a bunch of Sideshow stuff, the Steve Jobs figure. That was primarily the ones they showed, but you could see others in the background. Oh, as I'm finishing up watching, you could see the Gordon figure (Iminime?)