Better Call Saul

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Gotta love Steven Ogg's character with a hundred guns on him...bringing a little bit of Trevor Phillips to Better Call Saul :rock :lol
I don't think Chuck is trying to set up Jimmy. He looks to have been a Type A, hard-charging, go-getting, overachieving workaholic who suffered some sort of nervous breakdown at the office for whatever reason.

Way to go. :slap :lol

As brutal and as harsh as Chuck's backstabbing was, it makes perfect sense. He doesn't trust Jimmy with the law and is concerned he'll use it for nefarious purposes.

Considering his seedy past, would Jimmy have been able to remain legitimate, on the straight and narrow? It's reminiscent of Walter White, Heisenberg and the concept of change.
Lots of great character development in this show. I love it! Only one episode left this season, though. :(
Oh I felt so sorry for Jimmy. I didn't expect that his brother had felt that way about Jimmy's career. Chuck really did seem proud when Jimmy showed him the letter about passing the bar exam, but in truth, he never really was. His happiness was always an act and he had prevented Jimmy from working at HHM all along and made Howard take the blame.

Jimmy didn't take the deal because he wants to succeed as a lawyer and a case like this could give him the break he needs. Now he doesn't have any involvement with the case from now on, so he won't get any of the credit for it.

Is Chuck right in his assessment of Jimmy? He saw the newspaper article and is aware it was one of Jimmy's little tricks. Is he right to suspect Jimmy will use his knowledge of the law to break it?

I think Chuck has just ultimately pushed Jimmy in that direction. He would have resisted breaking the law because he wanted to prove to Chuck that he has changed. We already know Jimmy becomes Saul and his whole business is aimed at helping the criminals. Would he have ended up that way with the support of his brother?

Hamlin turns out to not be such a bad guy after all. He's known how Chuck really feels about Jimmy for years, but he has never said anything to Jimmy. He's played the bad guy by being the one to refuse Jimmy a job at HHM, but Chuck has always been the one that made that decision.

As for Mike, I really enjoyed the scenes with the drug deal. I never really liked Mike on BB because he was working for Fring and Gus was just a horrible person. However on this show, he isn't such a bad guy yet, so I find him more likeable to watch. I do wonder how long it will be when he starts working for Fring.

Great episode. Only one left till the end of the season.

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Chuck is proud of Jimmy for passing the bar, but it's muted, at best. He is offended when Jimmy shows an interest and makes an effort to share the very same profession.

Let's be honest, would Jimmy even fit in at HHM? Look at his brother, look at Kim, look at Hamlin. They all carry with them an air of authenticity, they all project respect.

Jimmy can't seem to shake off the sleazy label even when he's aping Matlock and hosting bingo games. :lol He is what he is. He's a lawyer for, first, the underdog, and soon, criminals, both petty and hardcore.
No. Jimmy wouldn't fit in at HHM. He however doesn't really see it from our point of view or anyone else's. All Jimmy sees is that he's passed the bar, just as they did, so he thinks he deserves to be there with them.

I think Jimmy does somewhat try to succeed in the easiest way possible. His brother is a partner in a large, respectable firm and he wants the easy way in by being Chuck's brother. Chuck had to work hard for many years to garner the success he has and he resents Jimmy just waltzing into the profession. In Chuck's mind, someone with Jimmy's background shouldn't have the power that a lawyer possesses.

I can't completely blame blame Chuck, but the sneaky way in which he has gone around to thwart Jimmy is very cruel.

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I always thought Chuck was naturally gifted as a lawyer. Maybe he's had to devote much more of his time and energy to studying the law, whereas with Jimmy, he's almost like an idiot savant? Maybe that's why he resents his success?
I always thought Chuck was naturally gifted as a lawyer. Maybe he's had to devote much more of his time and energy to studying the law, whereas with Jimmy, he's almost like an idiot savant? Maybe that's why he resents his success?

Yup! That's exactly what Chuck said. Maybe Jimmy has been taking 'Short Cuts' all his life.
Yup! That's exactly what Chuck said. Maybe Jimmy has been taking 'Short Cuts' all his life.

Maybe Chuck was the one who studied every minute of his waking life, did well on the tests, succeeded in the traditional sense and burnt himself out while Jimmy coasted by in life, got Bs and Cs and never really applied himself. Maybe he's the genius. :dunno
I think that's exactly why Chuck screwed over Jimmy. It's jealousy. I think Chuck realizes that Jimmy might start outdoing him in the field, especially with this electromagnetic OCD mental illness he has. Remember Chuck's reaction to Jimmy passing the bar exam? Looking back, you could tell he was shocked. In Chuck's mind, his baby brother is still a **** up. He doesn't want to believe that Jimmy might be at his level as an equal. That's why he doesn't want him to be a partner. He wants Jimmy to stay in the mail room.

Hell, Jimmy figured out the fraud at the nursing home as soon as he looked into it. Chuck had already gone over all those files when he did the wills and missed them. Jimmy caught something that Chuck missed, and it is something big enough to where he could have demanded anything he wanted from any law firm. To me, this is a matter of jealousy. Chuck is pissed that Jimmy, his silver tongued, scamming little bro, managed to 1-up him. Before Jimmy reformed, he always had to rely on Chuck's help. Chuck was essentially the person that bailed Jimmy out. Now, it's the exact opposite. Chuck is the dysfunctional one relying on his brother and Jimmy might just turn out to be better at something that Chuck worked his whole life trying to attain. The "LAW" and "INTEGRITY" BS Chuck is spewing is a front.

Yep, nicely done, Fabs. :duff Chuck is supposed to be the pride and joy of Family McGill, not that perpetual screwup, Slippin' Jimmy.
Well kinda understand Chuck.
He's got a very straight view of the law and so far he's only seen his brother bending it for his profit.
Chuck could step down from his mighty horse after seeing that Jimmy can really do some real good but i still respect him.
Gotta love Steven Ogg's character with a hundred guns on him...bringing a little bit of Trevor Phillips to Better Call Saul :rock :lol
On his first closeup I squealed like a schoolgirl because it was Trevor. Great scene, and I'd love to see him in more stuff.

Chuck is such a ******* disappointment (though I know Jimmy becomes Saul). I had him all wrong. He is a sleazier lawyer than Saul ever proves to be (though I know Jimmy becomes Saul).
I think that's exactly why Chuck screwed over Jimmy. It's jealousy. I think Chuck realizes that Jimmy might start outdoing him in the field, especially with this electromagnetic OCD mental illness he has. Remember Chuck's reaction to Jimmy passing the bar exam? Looking back, you could tell he was shocked. In Chuck's mind, his baby brother is still a **** up. He doesn't want to believe that Jimmy might be at his level as an equal. That's why he doesn't want him to be a partner. He wants Jimmy to stay in the mail room.

Hell, Jimmy figured out the fraud at the nursing home as soon as he looked into it. Chuck had already gone over all those files when he did the wills and missed them. Jimmy caught something that Chuck missed, and it is something big enough to where he could have demanded anything he wanted from any law firm. To me, this is a matter of jealousy. Chuck is pissed that Jimmy, his silver tongued, scamming little bro, managed to 1-up him. Before Jimmy reformed, he always had to rely on Chuck's help. Chuck was essentially the person that bailed Jimmy out. Now, it's the exact opposite. Chuck is the dysfunctional one relying on his brother and Jimmy might just turn out to be better at something that Chuck worked his whole life trying to attain. The "LAW" and "INTEGRITY" BS Chuck is spewing is a front.

what makes me wonder is, who is going to take care of him now?

chuck might feel jealousy like you said but i dont think he realized how bad he needs jimmy, i wonder in what direction will they take this.
jimmy leaving him could be the worst thing to happen to him, or the best. it all depends on where the writers go with it which is the most interesting thing about it