Kim is a horrible person, this whole Howard scheme was what she wanted, there were many times when they could've just called it off because it wasn't going according to what they planned but Kim went above and beyond to ruin Howard's career and we saw the consequences, I hope she doesn't die but that she ends up with a horrible life much like "Gene" has, I'm beginning to think she might end up pulling one final scam to escape the game, one that leaves Jimmy and the audience shocked, they've already shown us the Good Quality Vaccum business card, I think Kim may disappear without a trace and take the Sandpiper settlement money with her leaving Jimmy in the dust, it leaves the door open for Jimmy to find her in Nebraska, I think killing her would be too much for Jimmy and it would be hard to believe he can become the sleazy Saul character if that were the case, I'm sure all our theories and predictions are wrong tho and that the writers will manage to surprise us but still leave us satisfied!