Voted Nolan's Batman. Spider-Man had a really great first half. Once Green Goblin appears he kills the movie for me. Spider-Man 2 is just about perfect. Spider-Man 3 my girlfriend stopped me from walking out of the midnight show. Garbage.
Batman Begins is just about perfect. A few cringe worthy lines but they can't take away the brilliance of the film. TDK is also just about perfect, but it suffers from a rushed Two-Face story and he is my favorite Batman villain. TDKR is really good. Not the direction I wanted Nolan to take the story, but it is still a really good movie. I have no problem with Batman quitting (or finding peace I guess), my problem still comes from BB and TDK building up the perfect Batman and TDKR saying he then retired for 8 years. That is hard to swallow.
But Nolan's trilogy easily beats Raimi's trilogy for me.