*BEWARE SPOILERS* Alien: Romulus

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My main fear is that they will attempt to do Ripley for a third time to cash in on both nostalgia and the current woman action hero trend. That shot above is obviously meant to be reminiscent of Ripley holding a pulse rifle. Twice was enough already, lets hope the new character isn't characterized as a carbon copy of Ripley. At least Noomi's character in Prometheus was somewhat different.View attachment 694746
Yeah I'm all for girl power, but it is getting a bit repetitive by this point watching the unassuming female who becomes the badass warrior and lone survivor by the end of an Alien movie. So really hope they can come up with something different for this one. Like maybe just having the android survive.
Yeah I'm all for girl power, but it is getting a bit repetitive by this point watching the unassuming female who becomes the badass warrior and lone survivor by the end of an Alien movie. So really hope they can come up with something different for this one.
I hope this one ends with the last surviving, dogged, straight, white, guy, riding the Alien Empress out the ship, like Slim Pickens riding that nuke, yelling Yaaaahoooooeeee! all the way.:lol

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That’s what happened in aliens lol. Skinny woman kills the queen while all the men are either dead or on the sidelines. I swear if alien came out today it would be labeled as “woke”.
In Aliens it was original. Now its a trope. It was also executed very well in aliens. Nowadays it is so hamfisted and blunt with added political messaging. The two are not the same. This movie may turn out awesome but based entirely on the trailer alone it looks like it could be very unoriginal which means it won't be so thrilling or engaging. I hope to have my expectations subverted.
Saw the trailer a while ago.
Looks fine. I like the retro feel and the use of the original Alien trailer's sound and look, but on the other hand it worries me... I also think it's unimaginative to have yet another woman protagonist, as others have already pointed out.
Ripley is Ripley and you can't get that again. As somebody pointed out, Shaw worked because she was a very different character. Then they gave us whatsherface in Covenant, and that was a stretch...
If the Predator franchise can have a femlae lead, why can't the Alien franchise have a male lead? It would make it a bit fresh again.
Having said that, of course I'll do my best to be there opening night! :lol
Honestly I would like a Predator movie where the predator wins for once and an Alien movie where everyone dies except for maybe a working joe that the alien ignores. Or alternatively, an alien movie where competent marines take care of an infestation only fir something else to mess things up leaving a handful alive at the end.
What are the odds of something original from this?

They attempted an original story with Prometheus and got panned for it.
Yea it was smart. Like we said earlier I hope we get an alien isolation type movie.

I love the mystery of the franchise it should stay that way. Alien isolation really made you fear the alien and no where was safe. Any sudden sound would set it off. I hope we get that tension