**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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I feel like this type of Taika Whoatitis character has become standardized for any live-action fantasy movie made by Disney.
Perhaps, though I noticed it more with the Stormtroopers. They felt more laid back and "Remnant-y" which worked for Mando but didn't mesh perfectly with the super disciplined Troopers we saw in the OT.

That said I'm not gonna lie I did somewhat geek out at watching Ewan Obi-Wan blasting away at practical OT era Stormtroopers. :thud: :yess:
I did have to laugh at Obi-Wan's insistence on opening the gate that you can easily walk around.
Yeah both my kids laughed at that too. :lol

I was just glad to see him go "lever doesn't work, buttons don't work okay then BLAM" instead of standing there like a moron pressing the same button 50 times until someone else opens it for him, lol.
She's also someone I believe could rise inside the Imperial ranks (even if its a lie).
First still from Mando Season 3???

Yep, she's still the weakest actor in the entire show by far when she speaks but when she's quiet she does an adequate job of carrying herself. She did a good enough job walking through that giant underwater base (on Kamino I'm assuming?) like she owned the place.

Footage from the next meeting at Inquisitor headquarters...the over acting is almost parody

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That's more Nu Vader a la the comics and Rogue One (well maybe a bunch of EU but I don't know any of it).

I mean he was evil enough in the films but they just keep piling it on. I preferred him as a dark mystery, but now he's SUPER BAD.

At some point I'll watch his episode but I refuse to pay for it LOL.
Lol well I don’t know. I love vaders lore and back story. Maybe ot fans want him to be a mystery? But I love learning and seeing more of him. As long as it doesn’t suck
Well, glad to see we didn't have to wait any longer for the first confrontation with Vader. Although as much as I loved what a badass Vader was in this episode... I was kinda distracted the entire time by how freakin small he appeared, as it really looked like they had Hayden inside the costume throughout instead of someone big and imposing like David Prowse or the guys from Rogue One. And as a result he just didn't quite have that OT look and presence I was really wanting him to have in this.

Great to hear James Earl Jones voicing him again though, and I actually thought he sounded a lot better here than in RO.
The production quality matches with some the fan-made productions, horrible angle, horrible choice of music. Deborah Chow is clearly incapable of directing ***.
I wouldn't blame her, the episodes she directed for The Mandalorian turned out ok.
same like Robert Rodriguez directed one "OK" episode for Boba in Mando ss 2 and then *** up the entire Boba Fett series.
She did 2 ok episodes for Mandalorian though (and 1 for Jessica Jones). I am guessing for Obi Wan she is hamstrung by budget and scheduling.

Some of the weak points IMO in this series is in the cinematography so that falls under the DP, and the writing which falls under the writer(s). Maybe the editing too. So far the weakest parts of this series for me are all chases:

1. Leia vs The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Reva vs Obi Wan
3. Vader vs Obi Wan

All of them have been choreographed really weak with little to no tension IMO.