Beyond the Event Horizon Customs and Bashes by The_Darkness_Predator

Collector Freaks Forum

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^Thanks :hi5:

Here is another of my custom figures made possible because of the awesome Duane / Master Enaud. I bought the resin helmet from him.

Mon Calamari Pilot front.jpg

Mon Calamari Pilot back 3_4.jpg

Mon Calamari Pilot photo bomb.jpg
As I said in the other thread - that's an amazing Mon Cal pilot!:clap

And wow - so Enaud has done that helmet. Finally I can do my Mon Cal. I really need to PM him to see what his current list of availables is. He has so much cool stuff.
Just saw your post in the customs thread. Did you print out some labels for the graphics on the helmet? That helmet was the one thing holding me back from diving into the MOn Cal pilot.

I masked little areas and used Prismacolor pencils and pin stripping tape, then sanded / weathered it.
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Yep, Enaud is legendary in the Custom section. When I replied in the other area, I worded it that way in case anyone else wanted to order from him. :)

Soon as I can send a paypal again (freakin credit card thieves!) I'm going to hit up Enaud for one of those. The quality of his resin casts are the best I've seen too - fine detail, no bubbles - amazing.

As soon as I saw the cut scene with Ackbar pilot I knew I had to do that fig - stand him next to my Nien Nunb.
Digging all of your pilots - but (obviously!) especially - the Mon Calamari.

Is that the Hasbro Admiral Ackbar head and hands?
^ Thanks again for the encouragement and comments. :)

What do you think ... yellow or red eyes? The actual character had more yellow eyes, but I love Enaud's observation about my red eye tests.

