Hard to say. I'll definitely have it beat after work today, Heavy Rain felt like it was longer for some reason even though both are listed for 10 hours of game.
I enjoy this game, especially the long chapters when there is a lot of dialogue. I just didn't like the beginning of it since it felt like it was moving too fast.
I'd recommend the game even though I haven't finished it yet, but I don't necessarily call it a must have at this very moment. The graphics beat out TLOU, but in the context of this game there isn't as much going on as TLOU so it can have very high definition in graphics. I'm not knocking this game don't get me wrong. But there is one thing that bugs me. There is a few snow sections, and when I was walking as Jodie there wasn't any footprints and there is a point where you see a car driving through snow and there isn't any tracks