Really? I think Clara is still a go. For one thing, she's supposed to be the companion for the 12th Doctor to start with. I think she'd be a safer bet in some ways than Sarah Jane. Though, personally, I'd prefer Sarah Jane. I don't think the fact it was a new series companion led to what is sure to be less than stellar sales, and I think BCS knows that. If Amy had a well loved head, had come out earlier, and not had so many factory woes... I think she would have been fine.
That being said, I don't have a good pulse on how much fandom likes Clara. So maybe she is more of a risk.
River, sadly, I'd be (pleasantly) surprised to see any time soon.
If they're planning on doing 10,4,1, and version 2 of 11 before her, I would say its likely she'll be gone before her figure could be released.