The only problem there is is that they've stuck a date to it. No need to look into it further and make pointless arguments (goes for all of you). It's not entitlement or pompousness. It's them giving us a date and not keeping true with it. They should've just said "we're working on it" and only announce it when it's ready to ship. They even made a promotion saying "buy it now and get the head for free". They used the August date to advertise, and that's where my problem is.
Yes, right...and that is exactly what you will get if you bought an Amy figure. So you point is....?
Am I only the only person that sees the words "...
estimated to ship.." Do you now think that you are
not going to get it? No, didn't think so. So then in truth, no promises have actually been broken. Like I said.
Simple. As.
And for the record, I did not call anyone pompous, rather I was the one that was called pompous, not that it bothered me any.
Yes, I did. And I stand by my first instinct and reaction, but I deleted it immediately so as not to start a fight, and because, frankly, it was a comment that was beneath me, and I should never have posted.
Given that I deleted it within seconds of actually posting it, nice job at hovering and catching it as soon as it was posted though. Gave you a perfect opportunity to spin your post and play the 'level headed victim' card though, didn't it? You can thank me later.

Seriously? Check your own time line my friend. Around 6:30 for the original post and 6:50 for the edit. That post notification was sitting in my email inbox for a whole quarter of an hour before I even noticed it, because I was off posting on other threads! Hovering indeed

I wouldn't flatter yourself, it did not bother me
You also seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that it never should have been a one or the other proposition, which is what you are turning this into, as
the replacement heads were announced as going to be sent out in August, a date THEY CHOSE AND ANNOUNCED. So that is four months during which time they could have been sent out, or made ready to be sent out with people's other orders, but weren't. But how dare people now start to show, all these months later, even a modicum of impatience? What absolute bastards!
Everyone should just shut up and wait for their Terry Walsh as The Fourth Doctor's stunt double figure to arrive instead...
Reel it in a little, I am ignoring nothing at all as it is not about being either one or the other, and it never has been. Let me make it clear...You
are going to get it. It really is as simple as that. The August that you are latching onto was ESTIMATED. It said it there, right in the middle of the e-flier, shown above. Even though it has not arrived yet, all the people that have ordered becasue of it (and provided the required confirmation of such)
will indeed still be getting it. Obviously not in August now, and obviously not as a part of their tremendous WHO FIGURE PUSH they are currently pursuing, due to the negotiated postal/delivery/carrier package they'd worked out. But they are there and set to go. The alternate heads will come.
EDIT - I've said more than enough on the whole subject, so I'm bowing out of the discussion and the thread. It takes two to argue, and I'm certainly pulling my weight in that regard at this point, and so the easiest thing for everyone is that I just go away as I really don't like being that guy. Feel free to have your digs if you feel the need to, no harm, no foul, and no recourse, I don't care who gets the 'final word', and there's no 'winning' when it comes to opinions, despite what some seem to think. But it's really not worth all this bother, too much of which I have now contributed to myself, so I'm done. Later folks.
My word! For not wanting to have the final word, you spent a whole paragraph trying unsuccessfully to do just that!

Oh and this conversation was just starting to get interesting too. But as you say, Nope no real or malicious digs either. Like I said before, it's your opinion to which you are perfectly and legally allowed. I don't agree but there we stand.
In truth and jokes aside, it really is actually a shame that you have chosen to bow out because you make your points very clearly and this conversation has been very engaging. I don't see it as an argument that either of us has won or lost, simply an enlivened conversation between people that enjoy thought provoking talk.