Yes, I did. And I stand by my first instinct and reaction, but I deleted it immediately so as not to start a fight, and because, frankly, it was a comment that was beneath me, and I should never have posted. Given that I deleted it within seconds of actually posting it, nice job at hovering and catching it as soon as it was posted though. Gave you a perfect opportunity to spin your post and play the 'level headed victim' card though, didn't it? You can thank me later.
You also seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that it never should have been a one or the other proposition, which is what you are turning this into, as the replacement heads were announced as going to be sent out in August, a date THEY CHOSE AND ANNOUNCED. So that is four months during which time they could have been sent out, or made ready to be sent out with people's other orders, but weren't. But how dare people now start to show, all these months later, even a modicum of impatience? What absolute bastards! Everyone should just shut up and wait for their Terry Walsh as The Fourth Doctor's stunt double figure to arrive instead...
EDIT - I've said more than enough on the whole subject, so I'm bowing out of the discussion and the thread. It takes two to argue, and I'm certainly pulling my weight in that regard at this point, and so the easiest thing for everyone is that I just go away as I really don't like being
that guy. Feel free to have your digs if you feel the need to, no harm, no foul, and no recourse, I don't care who gets the 'final word', and there's no 'winning' when it comes to opinions, despite what some seem to think. But it's really not worth all this bother, too much of which I have now contributed to myself, so I'm done. Later folks.