Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #09 Christopher Eccleston

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The reason why the old headsculpt is used for the Stetson variant because this headsculpt was from an unreleased accessory pack. After the first 11 was released, they announced and showed packs of Smith with a Stetson, with a fez, and the clone version. The one with the fez was never released. Since version 2 has the fez accessory, this version will not be released - perhaps they redid the fez as a form of a alternate top for the version 2 head because it was in Day of the Doctor and the Bells of Saint John. The version 2 Smith head is the shorter hair version, which was either from series 7 or "Time of the Doctor". Regardless, Matt Smith looked a lot older in series 7 than he did in series 5 and 6, which is probably why they are using the unreleased Stetson headsculpt. (EDIT: After posting the below comment, I realized that the first version of the 11th Doctor figure is based on his series 6 look, which is likely why they didn't redo the headsculpt) They could easily modify the Stetson hat from the headsculpt and use it on the version 2 headsculpt. However, would people not buy the version 2 Matt Smith if they could get the head individually? It is probably another reason why they are using the old headsculpt as the hat doesn't seems to be removeable.
I'd just like to see them make a new head for the original Smith figure, with a less blank and lifeless expression.

You know something. They never did a true series 5 version of the 11th Doctor with the longer hair. The headsculpt of the first figure looks young, but it resembles his appearance in series 6.
I always assumed it was supposed to be a Series 6 figure, since it had his more styled hair and lighter color tweed jacket. And frankly that was my favorite look of Smith's during his run anyway, so I'm fine with that.

Although I am a bit bummed that he never wore the green coat for longer than a few episodes. It was a really cool look, and looked awesome on the BCS figure as well.
I always assumed it was supposed to be a Series 6 figure, since it had his more styled hair and lighter color tweed jacket. And frankly that was my favorite look of Smith's during his run anyway, so I'm fine with that.

Although I am a bit bummed that he never wore the green coat for longer than a few episodes. It was a really cool look, and looked awesome on the BCS figure as well.

The first Smith figure was shown months before series 6 aired if I am not mistaken, so it was surprising when they included the envelope at the last second.

I do agree that his appearance in that series was the best since he was getting uncanny valley in series 7 and looked too soft in series 5
I'm more worried about them not getting to the 6th and 7th Doctors fast enough to get Signature Editions. :(

Not to be morbid, but that's my main worry, too, if I'm completely honest.

They may both be in rude health at the moment, but once you get up there in years the way those two gentlemen (and Tom) have, that can take a turn in an instant. I'd love to be able to celebrate both those under-rated Doctors with signature edition figures while they are both still around to enjoy it. And long may that be the case.

Unfortunately I suspect Doctors Two, Three, and Five, at the very least, will happen before they do. I'd love to be proven wrong though. Not because I don't want those Doctors (I want all the Doctors, and Troughton is actually my favourite), just because after everything positive they've put in to Who fandom over the years, despite the rocky roads they each had during their respective eras, it would be nice for them to have a celebratory moment in the sun for their respective Doctors.
I'm not really interested in getting all of the Doctors. But Two and Three would be ones that I also would be interested in picking up.
Much as I love classic DW, I think the only older Doctors I'd actually want to pick up are a Troughton and maybe a new Tom Baker with a better headsculpt and different costume. I just don't have enough shelf space for all of them, and wouldn't want to put out that much money anyway.
I am definitely going to be interested in a Patrick Troughton figure, if it gets prototyped.. and if BCS do a Yeti to go with him, that would be icing on the cake.
Personally I'd love to see Troughton as the next classic release, (currently watching through my second Doctor DVDs :rock), or a Pertwee figure.

But yes, I do agree with the points on Six and Seven - it would be nice to get signature editions done for those two sooner rather than later, while the option is still available (plus the fact that they'd make for great looking figures as well) :)
Plus, the other factor is that signature editions would probably help those two sell a bit better as well, which might be their, and other less widespread popular Doctors, best shot.

Anyway the DWAFO interview confirms that they plan on making Captain Jack 'at some point next year', that Sarah Jane is still on the to do list, and confirm that she was planned for release earlier but was delayed due to the passing of Elisabeth Sladen. That Daleks and Cybermen will be made at some point but 'We won’t do them though, if we cannot do them right.', and that the Ninth Doctor will be coming with an alternate Tenth Doctor head sculpt as a Big Chief website exclusive. This can also be used in conjunction with the slippers and pyjamas accessories coming with Ten's TARDIS to allow fans to 'build-a-figure'.

They also state that if they think the demand exists, they will consider making a classic era TARDIS. Oh, and when asked about the future of Big Chief and Doctor Who they gave the quote "I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren’t there.", so mayhaps McGann's Eighth Doctor is the next one off the block after Eccleston.

It also underlines that their minimum production run is 1000 units, which is why there aren't more accessory packs (and why they have started including such items as website incentives for their products instead). It is a little bit worrying as far as many of the other classic Doctors go, though...

It's a good little interview, actually. You can read it in full on DWAFO's website here.
It's a good little interview, actually. You can read it in full on DWAFO's website here.

Interesting interview, glad to hear that we are getting Captain Jack :yess: and possibly Sarah-Jane as figures, they are the only companions I'd be interested in buying (as well as a Clara).
Yeah, while there are many other companions that I'm a huge fan of, the only ones that I'd be likely to pay this price point for would be Jack, The Brig, and maybe Sarah Jane, and then only if the nail the likenesses. Plus K-9 (at an obviously lower price point).

Leela is actually my favourite classic companion, but I just don't see her working out due to the amount of exposed skin showing in her most iconic outfit, and for any of the other companions to get my money they would have to be damn well perfect, and I'd have to have nothing else taking priority at the time as well, money wise. So while I'm always open to being swayed otherwise, I can't really see it for any of the others to be honest.

Now Masters on the other hand...
That was a great interview. Jack and 8th Doctor would be great figures to do next.
Not surprising to hear that the new Doctors are far outselling the classic ones. And too bad about the expansion packs, but sounds like their backs are against the wall on that one with the 1000 unit requirement.
I too would like to see 8 being made. He became popular thanks to the Big Finish audios and Night of the Doctor. That said, I wonder which version of him they would make first - the tv movie of the DOTD version? I would think the DOTD version would first since it is the version a lot of the NuWho fans would know because of the minisode. If they ever produce this version of 8, I would love them to include the young John Hurt head (the image shown at the end of the minisode) and a bandolier to go with it. Also, it would be a good way for the BSC to make that variant of the Doctor if they ever make his Tardis - they can include the Dark Eyes outfit as the incentive.

Speaking of variants, I wonder if they would ever release the clone 11th as another variant rather than a kit. They can release the figure with an updated tweed jacket and a variant shirt so that way, those who didn't get the series 5 Smith figure can get this version and mix and match with the series 7 head.

As for Tuxedo Tennant, that is a great idea since they do a Smith alternate head to be included in one set.

Interview with the head of BCS.
BIG Chief Studios Exclusive Interview - Doctor Who Action Figures Online

I think his quote at the end may pertain to your post...
Interview with the head of BCS.
BIG Chief Studios Exclusive Interview - Doctor Who Action Figures Online

I think his quote at the end may pertain to your post...

Thank you for the link. What I have realized about BCS is that they are pretty candid in what figures they are doing next even before they have anything to show. They announced the 9th Doctor (a year before they announced him again recently), the 10th Doctor version 2, and now Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane, and the 8th Doctor.

As for 8, I hope they do the Night of the Doctor version so that they can offer an accessory set with the BF clothing. Also, since both 11 v2 and now 9 are offering heads of the Doctor that succeeds them as an incentive, it gives me more hope that 8 will come with a young John Hurt head as oppose to an aging John Hurt head - the former is what the Doctor regenerates. It is a great incentive since it wouldn't hinder a War Doctor figure and for those who do not want the head, do not have to do the prepay monthly or full option.

I am also not surprised that with each Doctor they released, a Tardis of theirs will come out. Not sure if that is a good idea since the Tardis, while an essential part of the Doctor, is a huge prop. Having all 13 or 14 Tardis is great, but like the add-on packs, would people buy a Tardis for each Doctor? I think once the 9th/10th Doctor's Tardis is sold out, the other Tardis will not sell as well, resulting in a smaller run of Tardises. Be funny if the BCS rides on the success of the 9th/10th Doctor's Tardis and make a version 2 a year later as the "Bad Wolf" Tardis. You know that the Eccleston/Tennant Tardis will sell out.
I'd would like the have Doctors 7, 2, 11, 3 and 12. I'm not expecting to have any of them, so if the line ends prematurely, I wont be too disappointed.

11 series 7, and 12 are coming up in June & July, so those I will pick up first.