This is pretty typical of the nasty, patronising, belittling response to my thoughts on Capaldi's casting. First, I think he's a great actor, and I think he will do a great job with whatever material Moffat produces for him. But that doesn't mean he's right for this part, or that children will fnd it easy to identify with him. Even before he opens his mouth his age makes him unnecessarily idiosyncratic. The most successful children's heroes - Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, the Tenth Doctor - have a certain blankness to them which children can fill by pretending to be those characters. He's starting without that. Now, you can think what you like about my opinion, but I think it's a valid opinion and being hated on about it isn't nice or deserved - I haven't come on here saying I hate Capaldi and hope he fails. Quite the reverse - as always with Doctor Who, if I'm not happy about something then I'm willing the show to prove me wrong.
Second, I don't think the Hartnell comparisons are apt - virtually nothing that was done in the Hartnell era could be done now. It was a different planet then. And the Doctor was not the hero then, but the Merlin figure with Ian as the hero.
And third, 'kl241' you have absolutely no ****ing idea what kind of relationship I had with my surviving Grandfather, but I have nothing but respect for people older then me. I'm closer to Capaldi's age than Smith's, so if anything I admire him on a personal level for having bagged the part.