At some point though, you have to consider desire for the character along with quality and price, and probably some other measurables I'm failing to mention.
If you're only considering items that meet some price/quality ratio you might end up missing niche characters or licenses that you otherwise are interested in.
As I mentioned earlier, is HT out there offering Sherlock or Dr Who figures? Nope. So if you want these figures you may need to bend your rules a bit.
Otherwise if all you're buying is what HT offers because you like their "value" well enjoy your 100 Iron Man variants that 5000-10000 others also have.
To drive home the point, I have an extreme example. I'm sure some of you Brits know who Rick Wakeman is. Well, a little secret of mine is I REALLY REALLY want a 1/6th figure of him in all his 1973-75 caped glory and a replica moog.
Well who the hell is going to make the thing? Not HT, not SSC and probably not even a UK company like BCS.
If I'm ever going to get one it would be from a customizer and it certainly wouldn't be $150.
I have to weigh whether getingt something I REALLY WANT (but few others want) is worth a premium. But to assume the price should be the same is folly.