Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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They likely need to change the base body since they are tailoring the clothes to that.

I don't too much care for the 'cardboard' feel of the clothing either, but as long as it looks good on, well...

For those like me who can’t afford the custom Connery suit from GF, this suit was a very welome addition, warts and all. Plus it was really exciting when it was first teased because it was entirely new and not just a rehash of the Sideshow Connery from GF.
I really hope these are all released via Launchpad, just to give the whiners something to whine about. ;)
yes years away- Dalton I want but it will be a sales dud- I doubt it gets made. BC seems determined to put an end to this line...
Isn’t it ironic the series next Figure will be
“live and let die “?

Hope BC comes through when we see them
in 2021
That's the thing that stopped me in my hype tracks. I know these will be a long way off and I refuse to PO them as well. After the first wave fracas, others will feel the same. No PO's will kick the line while it's down.
That’s the thing that I’ve never understood:


Essentially, the customers are paying for the production. Didn’t companies used to find investment in the past from outside sources that we’re not their actual customers?
I understand that a pre-order can be a good way to gauge the level of interest, and/or the number of units should that should be produced, but that doesn’t mean that the customer should finance said company

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Guys let's be honest here , knowing there is a very strong possibility BC might have another " cardboard suit with glue on buttons " with soft paint the rubs off and a body that look like s__,
would any collector preorder the figures? I hope BC up their game but so far from their track record , it could be a gamble ?

As much as I love Bond, I just couldn't keep my Connery BC and sold it within a week of getting him
I think the 1/6 community world wide is rather small and most of these collectors are more into recent films.

So feeling already lucky a company wants to take the risk of making figures of older classics.

The last years quality has stepped a lot, but the prices also climbed so high people only take the cherries.

For the Big Chief adventure I still wish them all the succes, but fear even without another nose rub issue, interest is not phenomenal.

Just my opinion.
I hope BC does continue the line so we get more classic characters. If LALD figures tank(likely) that will be it. Companies love to tease us wiith "things to come" goodies. Doesn't mean they are going to be made. (QMX , look no further)
I think amarcord made a very good point in regards to pricing and subsequent purchases of figures.

With the majority of figures breaking the $200.00 mark today, collectors are being more picky with their figure purchases and "completists" are far fewer.

With higher prices comes higher expectations.
I highly doubt any of these previews will get made, much as i want them to. I saw the Connery figure on display in a shop's detolf, and it didn't look good. The suit looked cheap and ill-fitting, despite the £230 price tag. The early buyers who wanted to do the right thing and support BCS, were stung with the QC problems and subsequent poor customer service. The buy 2, get one free deal must seem like a slap in the face as well. I think getting the same people to support the LALD figures, will be a tough nut to crack.
Maybe it's just the massive Daltonator addict inside me desperately wanting a new figure to put the old Sideshow to shame, but contrary to some comments I think that the likeness is pretty good. I'm not big on the tux though - the ToysCity one is exactly like the one pictured and, when coupled with a loose head and a random body, you'll have an identical figure for a fraction of the price of a BCS offering. I've always felt that a 'Daylights Bond should be represented with the leather jacket worn during the car chase in Slovakia (Also used in a lot of publicity shots.), or the tan suit worn in Tangier. A Tuxedo Dalton seems more suited to LTK, which would make sense with the incoming Q. Maybe I'm missing something here or perhaps being a bit of a brat, but it all seems like an odd choice to me.

I'd gladly scoop up Dalton regardless since I'm a massive fan. I hope for good paintwork though, we've already seen what BC's choice of factory can do to a top notch sculpt and if it's not up to par, nobody will pay 200 quid for any of these. As many have mentioned, this obviously depends on if the line gets there, but I can't see why Big Chief would show off their secrets if it was due to be cut. I love the fact that characters originally thought to be unlikely (See: Red Grant, Q, etc.) are clearly being considered - it gets me thinking about Max Zorin and an older Moore and I thank the company generously for that.
Molecule8 scared a lot away from going for companies that promise much and deliver little and then there was PCS before them, they teased a lot of stuff but it never showed. I think Bond was BCS trying to prove they could play with the big boys, which they ultimately couldn't. Had BCS been around when SSC was still doing figures for £40 a time and HT had yet to hit big we would have lapped their figures up and been happy campers. Sadly, now HT have set the bench with their figures and prices BCS can't and won't match them.
” ...but I can't see why Big Chief would show off their secrets if it was due to be cut.”

If their LALD set is practically done with production and awaiting shipment shortly, could this preview be just a ploy to instill fan confidence in the line, only to pull the plug after they manage to sell off enough of this “last” set?

The nose rub fiasco must have been really damaging to their business, which after all as far as they’re concerned must survive. The technical flaws of the famed James Bond Road Race set by Gilbert Toys in the 60s caused that company to go under after being in existence for several successful decades, a cautionary tale for all times for any toy company.
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Is there any reason that so many BCS releases are based on figures that Sideshow have done previously?
I agree that I’d prefer a Living Daylights Dalton to a LTK one, which we’ve had previously.
He's the founders brother,so he'll always be around somewhere.The thought of Bond with a proper licenced Bell Textron Rocket Belt has me salivating.I ve been waiting for that for donkeys years.
I know Big Chief get a kicking on here sometimes for delays and stuff,but believe me,I ve chatted with Mark Andrews,the chief exec,several times at shows(mainly the NEC Memorabilia fairs in Birmingham,England)and his passion for the product and frustration at the delays and factory problems shine through in equal measure.Hes very friendly and forthcoming about what they have planned,to the extent that I've known about all the stuff that's just been shown since May last year but I didn't say anything about it in case I was breaking a confidence.

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