Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

£179.99 per figure for UK customers.
Tax deducted for non U.K. Customers. If you scope out their site, look only at Who and Sherlock pricing. Those are their figures.
If they charge 1p more, I won't bother.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

£179.99 per figure for UK customers.
Tax deducted for non U.K. Customers. If you scope out their site, look only at Who and Sherlock pricing. Those are their figures.
If they charge 1p more, I won't bother.

The licence will cost considerably more than those properties. £199.99 is a competitive price but I'm guessing £229.99.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

No way these will be less than £200. I expect the price will be a huge discussion point once it's revealed.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I think it will depend how big a run they are doing, and how many they think they can sell. The license may well have been more costly, but if they can spread that cost through a bigger run than they do on the BBC stuff, then they could conceivably deliver it for a similar, or only slightly higher, price.

If, on the other hand, they are playing it safe and keeping the initial run small, then the price would almost undoubtedly be higher, particularly in light of the current exchange rates as well.

We'll see, I guess.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Connery looks great so far! I can't wait to see more! :)

BBTS is charging $275 for pre-orders on BCS new Sherlock and Doctor Who figures, so I imagine that Bond will be at least that much. Honestly, it's times like these where I'm glad that I've decided to focus mainly on Bond because if not I would have to pass on most of this line which would sting quite a bit since I love the Bond franchise so much!

Goldfinger's sculpt doesn't look as good here, but the outfit also looks nicely tailored... though those wrists look pretty tiny for a fat man. Love the ring and watch.

I think Goldfinger looks very nice indeed. However, the sculpt is my least favorite of the three at this point. The face shape just seems a little too round in my opinion, but I'm hoping that it is just an issue with the pictures. :)
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

BBTS is charging $275 for pre-orders on BCS new Sherlock and Doctor Who figures, so I imagine that Bond will be at least that much.

Oh man, that's terribly disappointing.

Since I have the Yunsi/bbkill version of this, seems silly to drop $300 again for a repeat. Not like I can have both on the shelf.

And as you all know, I've had this version of Goldfinger for many years now, complete with pool cue, and I was definitely looking forward to the upgrade... but again, near $300 is just too much. I'll be hunting for a few clothing parts to upgrade my current (assuming this figure is better than the nostalgia of my bash).

Oddjob I really need, since I only have a reworked Sideshow with the original sculpt. But not sure at $300.

You know, if Goldfinger and Oddjob combined are near $600, they better come with Phantom 337.... or at least Auric's trick pool table.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

That's $287 in the US. Ouch! I think that's a wee bit high and would price a lot of people out right from the get-go.

That's what we have to pay on a routine basis for figures here. :lol Welcome to our world.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Yeah, purchases of individual figures nowadays are beginning to hurt! This reminds me of the master plot of the movie, BCS takes the nuclear option by turning out these beautifully crafted figures at a high price, while rendering the Sideshow line and moderately priced customs out radioactively untouchable for half a century.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

That's what we have to pay on a routine basis for figures here. :lol Welcome to our world.

That's a tough price. People complained about Darth Maul being $240 with no extras.

I don't see these figures coming with too many extras either so to be an additional $40+ over Maul's price will definitely keep me away.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

And I really hope for BCs sake they upgrade their base bodies. The Who bodies are so cheap. I just moved a couple of figures around. And Rey is heavier and more solid than 9th Doctor .
DreamEx used great bodies for their Turtles range (Casey and Shredder) and maintained low costs. And the turtles rights won't be cheap either!
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

BC are supposed to be upgrading their bodies, but how many years have we heard that story now? It is certainly long past due, at any rate, and maybe this license will finally encourage them to do just that, so here's hoping.

I'm probably only in for the Bonds anyway, with a couple of exceptions for iconic/favourite villains. I'm working at scaling my collecting way back, despite lots of cool stuff being made of late trying to tempt me otherwise.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I know that feeling. I decided to stop buying stuff when I realized I had more boxed up, than I had on display.
The decision lasted all of a week or two!!!

I'd like this Bond set to be cool and successful. I would get these first three. Goldfinger has always been my favorite Bond movie. After that tho, only Jaws comes to mind as a villain that I'd be interested in.

It had taken a few years to get 6 Who figures. 6 Bonds in about the same time???
Personally, I'm happy if they steer clear of the obvious tux, as they are doing here,with the others . Lazenby in the kilt !!
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

That's $287 in the US. Ouch! I think that's a wee bit high and would price a lot of people out right from the get-go.

I hope you're right. Shows how pessimistic I've become these days!
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I hope you're right. Shows how pessimistic I've become these days!

Well this isn't Marvel or some modern popular franchise... this is a 50 year old action hero that appeals mostly to a very old audience that isn't quite as eager as younger collectors might be for their dollies.

I'm sure there's a good amount of wealthy older collectors who will plop down whatever it takes for these, but near $300 they will be fewer and farther between.

There's nobody who's a bigger Connery fan than me, and I'm getting myself ready to pass. You've seen my Bond collection (my obsession). If I pass, who the hell is left?
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

There's nobody who's a bigger Connery fan than me, and I'm getting myself ready to pass. You've seen my Bond collection (my obsession). If I pass, who the hell is left?

The addicts with no willpower to say $300 is too expensive.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License


I can only hope they are closer to $200 than they are to $300.

Yes, first world problems. I still over the moon that I have this to worry about all the same -- actual licensed Goldfinger figures! :yess:
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I'm surprised Big Chief didn't release official pics today before the show tomorrow. Show pics aren't always the best route for a first reveal. Especially ones that aren't from SDCC - bad posing and futzing, and poor lighting. I mean they have official pics ready for months now.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I've got a ticket for this show,really looking forward to seeing these figures and the Gerry Anderson figures.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Need full report with pictures if possible.

I mean they have official pics ready for months now.

Unless the "official pics" they took are not what the final product actually looks like. Perhaps clothing material or colors changed enough that the old pictures are not a good representation anymore and are resigned to the occasional "leaks".