KurJen - Kurgan Mod
Glad I bank at Bank of America. I originally banked with SeaFirst that was later bought out by BoA. That transition was smooth and painless....hopefully all the others will be the same.
Wanna good, simple explanation of how we got here? Try this easy to understand YouTube video...
Wanna good, simple explanation of how we got here? Try this easy to understand YouTube video...
That was excellent.
I'm not a supporter of either candidate, and in a way it's unfortunate that it was an endorsement for McCain because the truth in the video is going to be written off as biased. But, this is exactly what everyone is taking great pains to not say. I'd be much more willing to support McCain if he would be a lot more aggressive about it. He could start by calling for the heads of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the way Enron's heads were being called for 7 years ago. Enron's transgressions look puny by comparison.
Affordable housing? At whose expense??? Well who's taking the lionshare of the blame? And who's shouldering the ultimate costs? Everyone but the legislators and lobbyists who demanded that banks be forced to offer high-risk loans.
Here's a deeper explanation which amounts to the same:
No one that needs to be convinced will look at that link, and if they do, like you said it will immediately be determined to be biased towards McCain.
I don't know how facts can be biased.
It wasn't so much Fannie and Freddie. It was the fact that underwriting standards were radically lowered to accomodate the Community Reinvestment Act.
Wall St. pays for it, as usual.
So from past experience, we all know how threads like these go, so I find it ironic that they get started by mods at all...
One of my best friends works for Wachovia and she said that when WaMu announced their problems the people fleeing them went to her branch with large sum deposits etc. Should be interesting to see if the same happens here since the tagline they are supposed to repeat is "Its definitely not as bad as WaMu's situation" to their customers.
At this point every bank is screwed. Any bank can go under tomorrow taking your money with it...maybe not forever but until they get enough in the reserve to give it back to you. I am in no way a bank expert but that is what I get out of all this.
...which was passed in 1977.
Blaming the CRA is partisan canard. We're not looking at a politically created problem. The CRA had nothing to do with the housing bubble.
barbelith said:Actually we're paying for it, as usual. Isn't that the conservative way? Privatize the profits and socialize the losses...
The entire banking system isn't just going to fail overnight and if anyone is trying to convince you of that they clearly don't know what they're talking about. At this point an FDIC insured bank is a helluva lot more safe than having your money in the stock market, mutual funds, real estate, etc.