Such is Life - Ned Kelly
So from past experience, we all know how threads like these go, so I find it ironic that they get started by mods at all.Washington Mutual (WaMu) failed and the Government seized it's assets which will be sold to JPMorgan Chase. It is the single biggest bank failure in American history, with assets valued at $1.9 Billion!
It stands to reason that, as economies grow, they get bigger and so when anything like this happens, it gets sensationalised as being the biggest. How does 2 billion sit in the scheme of things?
Expansion unabated, is it any wonder the result is collapse? Will the collapse end in rejuvenation, death, or will it turn into a black hole. Hard to say. Horrible to imagine.
From the chicken little standpoint, its easy to rev up the ranks by bleeding all encompassing warnings and saying I told you so. Some people have a vested interest in spreading fear, and use it as an opportunity, and even a control mechanism. Who are they and what do they stand to gain? When is it time to press the button?

These things have happened in the past and were handled, and this one will be too. Just from the brief quote above, it is being sold off and someone else is ready and willing to absorb the debt.
Time to forget about WaMu and look to JPMorgan Chase and see how much you get back on your dollar. Surely it is the investors who play the stock market who will and ought to suffer the most, as they are the ones who like to play the game, and were happy enough when they were winning, and now get a taste of loosing. No it's not going to be pleasant.
If anything poor people will remain poor and this will bring some people down to the same level. Growing pains. The poor people have to cope and now so will some previously better off ones. The system is set up to repeat itself until we find a better way. And how will we find a better way? By taking a new direction when rebuilding, and not repeating what has been before.