Universal MODster
Actually I thought Wells Fargo was one of the strong ones?...
It might be... I thought I had read that Wells Fargo was in trouble, but I might be remembering the wrong bank.
Actually I thought Wells Fargo was one of the strong ones?...
There's been no regulation on this nonsense for a long time and its time the Government pulls its head out and does something. Based on what I'd like to see I think there's a side that can at least get something done and its aint McCain side.They've been in power long enough to get this stuff fixed and have done nothing. So while it may not be all their fault they've been in power with the exception of the last year so they get the blame.
The strategy of presenting themselves to Congress as the champions of affordable housing appears to have worked. Fannie and Freddie retained the support of many in Congress, particularly Democrats, and they were allowed to continue unrestrained. Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass), for example, now the chair of the House Financial Services Committee, openly described the "arrangement" with the GSEs at a committee hearing on GSE reform in 2003: "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have played a very useful role in helping to make housing more affordable . . . a mission that this Congress has given them in return for some of the arrangements which are of some benefit to them to focus on affordable housing." The hint to Fannie and Freddie was obvious: Concentrate on affordable housing and, despite your problems, your congressional support is secure.
In light of the collapse of Fannie and Freddie, both John McCain and Barack Obama now criticize the risk-tolerant regulatory regime that produced the current crisis. But Sen. McCain's criticisms are at least credible, since he has been pointing to systemic risks in the mortgage market and trying to do something about them for years. In contrast, Sen. Obama's conversion as a financial reformer marks a reversal from his actions in previous years, when he did nothing to disturb the status quo. The first head of Mr. Obama's vice-presidential search committee, Jim Johnson, a former chairman of Fannie Mae, was the one who announced Fannie's original affordable-housing program in 1991 -- just as Congress was taking up the first GSE regulatory legislation.
In 2005, the Senate Banking Committee, then under Republican control, adopted a strong reform bill, introduced by Republican Sens. Elizabeth Dole, John Sununu and Chuck Hagel, and supported by then chairman Richard Shelby. The bill prohibited the GSEs from holding portfolios, and gave their regulator prudential authority (such as setting capital requirements) roughly equivalent to a bank regulator. In light of the current financial crisis, this bill was probably the most important piece of financial regulation before Congress in 2005 and 2006. All the Republicans on the Committee supported the bill, and all the Democrats voted against it. Mr. McCain endorsed the legislation in a speech on the Senate floor. Mr. Obama, like all other Democrats, remained silent.
Now the Democrats are blaming the financial crisis on "deregulation." This is a canard. There has indeed been deregulation in our economy -- in long-distance telephone rates, airline fares, securities brokerage and trucking, to name just a few -- and this has produced much innovation and lower consumer prices. But the primary "deregulation" in the financial world in the last 30 years permitted banks to diversify their risks geographically and across different products, which is one of the things that has kept banks relatively stable in this storm.
As a result, U.S. commercial banks have been able to attract more than $100 billion of new capital in the past year to replace most of their subprime-related write-downs. Deregulation of branching restrictions and limitations on bank product offerings also made possible bank acquisition of Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch, saving billions in likely resolution costs for taxpayers.
And yet links have been provided showing how the Republican Party seen a problem with this years ago and tried to stop it but were stopped by the Democratic Party. Do you research any of your post or does your hatred of the Republican Party make you post info that is completely wrong.There's been no regulation on this nonsense for a long time and its time the Government pulls its head out and does something. Based on what I'd like to see I think there's a side that can at least get something done and its aint McCain side.They've been in power long enough to get this stuff fixed and have done nothing. So while it may not be all their fault they've been in power with the exception of the last year so they get the blame.
Democrats have the majority in Congress and make the laws. Plenty of time to get something done.
Know your facts rather than just being part of the blame game.
Edit: It's just become easier to blame Bush and the Republicans for the way things are now. Especially with the media leading everyone on.
judging by your avatar, you are the one that needs an education.
Ok, let's not turn this into politics...
oh hey mods note this^^ yet another liberal who cant come up with any facts = joke.![]()
I am going to be so glad when the elections are over.![]()
Ok, let's not turn this into politics...
I am going to be so glad when the elections are over.![]()
oh hey mods note this^^ yet another liberal who cant come up with any facts = joke.![]()
Who are you calling out in this post?This kind of post is why these threads all end up getting locked.
Think before you post - try to be respectful of others.
Who are you calling out in this post?
And that's what I don't think is right. I read enough posters saying stuff like Republicans are dumb or stupid and nothing gets said but Lostaddict gets something said to him. I still say I would be perfectly happy with no political threads, but if Dave is going to allow it and you are going to moderate than there should warnings on both sideds of the aisle.Probably the poster he quoted in his message and like minded folks.![]()
And that's what I don't think is right. I read enough posters saying stuff like Republicans are dumb or stupid and nothing gets said but Lostaddict gets something said to him. I still say I would be perfectly happy with no political threads, but if Dave is going to allow it and you are going to moderate than there should warnings on both sideds of the aisle.
And that's what I don't think is right. I read enough posters saying stuff like Republicans are dumb or stupid and nothing gets said but Lostaddict gets something said to him. I still say I would be perfectly happy with no political threads, but if Dave is going to allow it and you are going to moderate than there should warnings on both sideds of the aisle.
So I don't post on a lot of other subjects, what's your point. I pretty much belong to 3 boards and don't post a lot. I've been in this hobby for years. Want me to post some pics so you don't think I'm trolling?Yeah, let's all hope Dave doesn't close down all the political threads or you wouldn't have anywhere to post.![]()