Glitter grenade launcher or bust!
Did anyone else get a T2/Cyberdyne vibe from the police scene? It may be sacrilege, but I love the idea of posing the BD T-800 next to police station Harley.
I guess if you take off the gold overalls it looks somewhat like the police scene.....
Seeing as how the world thinks the movie is under performing and fanboys are the loudest voices, this will probably take 2 years to come out while they concentrate on making Chang chi figures for his movie.
Is it worth getting this. How many scenes did she have this outfit
2nd Harley figure should include Bruce with chewed-up arm or whatever body part that was.
What I really wish Hot Toys would do is a comics concept version of the Margot Robbie Harley Quinn in her classic animated series outfit (like they did of Gadot's Wonder Woman)
THAT would be the ultimate Harley figure for me (especially if it came with Bruce the hyena and a half masticated leg...)
What I really wish Hot Toys would do is a comics concept version of the Margot Robbie Harley Quinn in her classic animated series outfit (like they did of Gadot's Wonder Woman)
THAT would be the ultimate Harley figure for me (especially if it came with Bruce the hyena and a half masticated leg...)