As I said, horse****. Government regulation creates the corruption. If businesses are committing criminal acts, charge, try, and convict them. There is no need for regulators treating them guilty until proven innocent.
As usual, you have it assbackwards. In and of itself, no private business has use for, nor the legal protection, to initiate force. Government is the social institution possessing a legal monopoly on the use of force. Insofar as it it restricted to retaliatory use, in the interest of the defense of its citizens, government is no threat. The moment it reserves for itself the power to initiate force to exact obedience to its dictates (i.e., all regulatory law) it becomes a violator of the rights it was charged to protect. The only time anyone is brought to account in such societies is when it becomes expedient to those in positions of political power. Without regulation, a free press and the free choice of the market hold all business accountable, and ruthlessly so.
There is more than enough historical evidence, and even more literature, explaining how regulation destroys the wealth of a nation, private and public. You like to learn things. Get to it.