Mr. Green
Super Freak
yea, yea 

High up enough for a better view of what is really going on in the world...
The people against work on holidays aren't just complaining. They're hoping for government to force employers to give them things that the employers have not chosen to offer. That list has become very long. Owning a business is almost academic at this point. Employers have all the responsibilities of ownership, with very little of the control (sovereignty) implied by ownership.
Starting a business these days is like asking to have a gun held to your head. All well and good for huge corporations who can influence the process of business legislation (not that they can mitigate the macroeconomic effects of how regulators dislocate markets). It's much more difficult for smaller operations who lack the capital to pay off the overseers, or deal with inflated wages/benefits, weakened currency, artificial interest rates, etc.
There is no excuse for that much inequity of wages other than greed.
That's rather revealing.Too retarded. Didn't read.
How many wrinkles on the sphincter?
Can someone please explain to me why people get all worked up when stores are open on Thanksgiving? Obviously the employees are not held at gun point to work that day. It's their choice to find a new job should they wish.
I see people complain and post on Facebook about this. Yet I bet if someone is choking on Grandmas turkey they would want the ampalamps to show up right? Or maybe they shouldn't go to the movies that day or Christmas either?
It annoys me. I don't get all the hate. Retailers are opening up and consumers are rushing out to spend money. If you don't like it, don't work or spend your money there. Its that simple right?
corporate america=greed
you know that equation has been confirmed, right? big corporations have minions, not employees. if they could get away with live human sacrifice to sell some more junk to people that don't need it, they surely would be offering up one on the hour, every hour.
Greed=someone else pursuing their self-interest, usually successfully.
Selflessness=someone else giving you what you want, because you aren't capable of successfully pursuing your own self-interest.
Greed=someone else pursuing their self-interest, usually successfully.
Selflessness=someone else giving you what you want, because you aren't capable of successfully pursuing your own self-interest.
Poverty being #1.![]()
Once in a while you hear a guy say, "I don't think I'm fit for this business." You had better hope you don't get what business you're fit for either. Or you hear a guy say, "Enough of these guys that put their job ahead of their family; not me, brother!" Don't you ever tell me that! You know why a guy better never tell me he puts anything ahead of his job? He better never even tell me he puts church ahead of his job. Do you know why? I never saw a man who was any good at anything who wasn't good on his job. A man must learn that a job is just as sacred a trust as marriage. He's got to learn to love and honor and cherish his job, just like his marriage. If he doesn't, his job won't reward him anymore than his marriage, unless he does the same thing with it. That's not easy to learn. That's not talked about much. People who live in the realm of reality know it's true.
Show me a man who works, who knows what it's like to put his hand on the plow, and I'll show you a fellow who's learning great lessons for his family and his church. Show me a man who talks about what he puts first ahead of his job, I'll show you a guy who doesn't put anything first but himself.
Poverty being #1.![]()
Greed=someone else pursuing their self-interest, usually successfully.
Selflessness=someone else giving you what you want, because you aren't capable of successfully pursuing your own self-interest.