Sometimes I do wonder how things would've turned out if the MCU was much more Ultimates-inspired as originally intended. There was going to be a Widow movie with Jovovich, Clooney was tapped for Fury, and the whole thing began with a very much 2000s feel. I feel that by Avengers things started going in a very "glorified tv movie" route. Strangely, Dr. Strange did feel like an actual movie, it had a different cinematography. I don't know, as time goes on I feel more and more dissapointed. Wasted actors, changed characters, everything becoming too bloated. Iron Man was everywhere yet his rogues' gallery was trashed. Ghost was Ghost in name only, and the Mandarin is a mess. In AM2 they even wasted Fishbourne. Why would you even hire Fishbourne and just make him play some aged up version of Bill Foster, a D-Lister?
Widow, like a lot of MCU characters, just has no bite. She's too sanitised. How many years did the "red in my ledger" line keep being repeated? I swear to God it was in every comic with Widow in it. We were at the age where they were trying to make Coulson a thing. And yet MCU Widow is such a pussycat that I cannot imagine her doing anything that horrific. As the years go by, the MCU really does feel like a sort of Saturday Morning Cartoon version of the comics (but not as good as EMH). Not as actiony/cool as the 1610, not as colourful as the 616, it's just a poor pastiche.