I checked mine aaa batteries
Heads up....BBTS has 3 left. Had 6 yesterday.
If you are a Ghostbuster die hardcore fan, this is the piece to own. But damned, the retail + shipping prices are insane.
The hobby had changed a lot these last ten years. I remember when i begun to buy my first SW collectibles back to 2008, a lot of stuff was very affordable. In 2013, i bought DX08 168 euros and DX09 182 euros new in box, and the figures were already on the market for more than a year.
Now it seems that everything is sold out in PO in a few weeks. You really have to jump on it when it comes out because the secondary market is crazy nowadays.
I feel it really reduces the fun factor...
In stock here. Higher retail. Free shipping. Plus, in stock right now.
I have never flip flopped this much about whether or not to buy a toy. There are some things I have seen on the recent videos that I'm not crazy about and I think the price is ridiculous. But I gotta have it. It basically completes the set of the BTTF figures with the Delorean along and the Blitzway Ghostbusters figures with the Ecto that I would otherwise feel is incomplete
Anyway, BBTS has one left. It doesn't seem like a lot were made beyond what was preordered.
It is looking like this will be somewhat rare in the future. I'm still shocked a company actually made one this size as i would have bet money nobody would have.
I might have finally found a place for it after moving some things around. See if it will actually work after it arrives.
No free shipping. Fine print is ECTO-1 ships FEDEX ground only and the free shipping is Super Saver USPS Parcel Select shipping only.
Thanks for noticing that. Than BBTS is best. 1 left now.
where can we see these John Deak Photos?
where can we see these John Deak Photos?
Jon Deak
Admin ? Yesterday at 1:45 AM
Super Close Up Shots of All The Parts On The Blitzway Ecto-1
It's understandable this is expensive, due to the size and the number of parts that had to be created. Customers and viewers alike are wowed by the scale and sheer number of parts.
However, from the start this looked more like a toy than a model, and John Deak's multitude of close up shots really show how plasticky it is, especially noticable inside.
Plus there are sticker issues, such as the lifting or misalignment at the far left edge here:
And the two blemishes here, to the left of his chin and lower down near the red circle:
The use of stickers seems like a quick, cheap option. Couldn't the images have been printed onto the pieces, the way it appears Supermad applied the images to their Blade Runner whisky bottle?
I agree with you that some of the parts look rather cheap on video and I'm not happy with the changes made to the electronics, the background noise made when running the lights, or the removal of the siren sound in favor of bring your own sound. I could do that using a bluetooth speaker and my phone if I wanted. It just doesn't look to be a good value for the price.
The problem is over here in the US it seems to be pretty much sold out already. All the usual retailers that I am aware of are now either sold out or not carrying it. I would have liked to have seen and read more reviews and in hand impressions but there just wasn't time. Based on the high cost and the fact that it's already sold out I don't think many were made so had to act. If the numbers are as low as I think and Afterlife is a good film and proves popular the aftermarket price on this could be silly, and it's not really the type of thing I want to try buying second hand anyway.