Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures

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Venkman repaint. Done by myself.

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I picked up a 1/6th Slimer to go with my Venkman. I was hoping for a parted out Blitzway Slimer, but the money for one on eBay is crazy. This one is well made and works perfectly. I got it from Monsters In Motion. It goes for about $20 + shipping. It's listed on their website as Ghostbusters Slimer 1/6 Scale Maquette Statue.

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I appreciate you sharing this with us Stephen. Could you let me know if the diameter of the arcrylic rod? I went to jump on it, but daaaaamn, $16.77 for the cheapest shipping option! I have no idea why they made Slimers eyes blue. It reminds me of Harry Henderson. It's still more accurate than the Blitzway one though. If they just made the eyes a little less beady and the nose a bit larger; it'd be perfect with an eye repaint. This might be the only other 1/6 Slimer we'll ever get..unless Soldier Story makes one. Anywho, definitely had to buy it. Right under $40 is still a way better deal than what the Blitzway one is going for.
I picked up a 1/6th Slimer to go with my Venkman. I was hoping for a parted out Blitzway Slimer, but the money for one on eBay is crazy. This one is well made and works perfectly. I got it from Monsters In Motion. It goes for about $20 + shipping. It's listed on their website as Ghostbusters Slimer 1/6 Scale Maquette Statue.

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Thanks for posting. :hi5:

Ordered and just received this Slimer and it's so awesome in-hand - superior to the Blitzway one and captures Slimer best out of any scale figure/statue I've ever seen. I had seen pics of this one a couple of years ago but it was long sold out (someone was selling unpainted casts though.) That company MIM had a "warehouse find" of these so I feel lucky to have grabbed one, especially for only $20 (I was willing to pay more.)

It really is the perfect size for Slimer and it's a surprisingly accurate GB1 sculpt and the paint is pretty damn good too (though I will be repainting the eyes as they aren't correct) - somehow matching the slight glowy-green look he has in the movie better than the translucent plastic, which always looks more "toy" than "see-through entity" to me.

Slimer is one of my top 10 creatures from 80's movies, so really glad I scored this one. I feel like a pretty long search is over.:yess:
I don't know if anyone here would be interested, but for anyone who has limitless money and wants the perfect display companion piece for their Ghostbusters, the auction house Profiles in History is going to be selling some miniatures from the movie next week - most notably the miniatures of doors to Gozer's temple, and also one of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man's hands (they have other Ghostbusters props, too, but none of the others seem like they'd specifically accentuate the Blitzway figures).

Gozer doors:
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man glove:

gozer doors sold by profiles in history_2.jpg
I know this is perhaps a tad cheesy but having some fun with this set.

You can pick up these in various colours for £1.20 on ebay but you'll need to connect a battery extension on it. The wire will be hidden under the black felt when it arrives. Ordered another 3 to try various colours to see which works best.

I noticed BBTS is selling the exclusive accessories in this set as a pack for $200.

Slimer, the barricade and the No Ghosts sign, kinda BS to be selling the megapack exclusives separately, but at least it's cost prohibitive.
A few more action shots with these amazing figures.

Ghost in the Machine
Egon and Ray have discovered a ghost that can animate a physical structure – can they contain its malevolent influence in time?

Sometimes the Ghostbusters run afoul of government officials, and even end up jail! Can they convince the authorities that they know what they’re talking about before the Destructor arrives? Regardless, don’t be afraid to demand separate attorneys!

Millions of Registered Voters
The smooth-tongued Ghostbusters have managed to talk their way out of prison, and into the mayor’s office. Fortunately, Peter speaks his language, and can offer the only currency a politician cares about!

Like a Chimney
Role models they may be, but the Ghostbusters have always been… slightly out of step with social niceties. Who you gonna call for your after-school anti-smoking special? Someone else!

Knock Some Spiritual Heads
They’ve got the tools. They’ve got the talent! These scientists will do a lot better than they expect in the private sector. They just need to believe!

Vampiric Femme Fatale
Poor Peter. If ever there was a Ghostbuster vulnerable to Vampirella and her outsized charms, it’s him! Let’s hope she’s in a noble mood, or he might become a rich source of iron and vitamin D!

Beware the Peck of the Werechicken
An unexpectedly fierce opponent, one peck from the werechicken will double the Ghostbusters’ work, and cost them valuable manpower! Egon’s definitely going to stand in the back, this time!
Note: In the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, they did actually fight a werechicken, who managed to get Egon during its rampage.

Disgusting Mascot
If you’ve got to have a ghost on staff as a mascot, there are worse ones than Slimer (however much Peter may disagree). But the little spud’s sticky green residue certainly makes the boys do a lot of extra laundry!

Wolves May Lurk
The boys always stand ready to protect the good citizens of New York from the encroachment of the supernatural – be it ghosts, zombies, vampires, or even werewolves! Whatever your problem, they are ready to believe you!

Prehistoric Charge
The Ghostbusters have handled plenty of restless dead, but seldom a spook so old - or big! Maybe it's time to cross those streams!

All of my other pictures of the Blitzway Ghostbusters can be found here:
Heh, you're right! Peter's appeal never would have worked if Winston hadn't 'warmed up the crowd' with that awesome speech!
Do you have two sets of figures? One in their actual GB outfits and another for miscellaneous outfits worn in the film? Or do you just dress and undress one set in various outfits?