Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures

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$500 for a used one of these figures is the standard on ebay and $550 for a new fig. These definitely skyrocketed in price. Crazy but they're awesome regardless
Nah, I've seen them in person. IMO Ghostbusters are the best sixth scale figures ever made with the detail in their accessories, size, paint, and sculpts. We can agree to disagree though. That's the fun of the hobby. How many Iron Man 1/6 figures do I own? Zero. No interest, but that doesn't stop a billion people from loving Iron Man. If you see the Ghostbusters in person (maybe you own them), you'll see how truly beautiful and life-like they are. And a buddy of mine paid $600 for Winston. The price is what it is 'cause these guys are so rare these days. Maybe Blitzway'll make Ghostbusters 2...

These are excellent figures. However, as someone who owns the 3-Pack as well as numerous die-cast Iron Man and other figures, objectively I would not even put them in the top 20 best 1/6 figures ever made. There are quite a number of issues that hold them back. The overall quality of the bodies is not great. The Bill Murray likeness leaves a lot to be desired, and in general they all needed at least one extra paint pass to be near Hot Toys level. Hand selection is limited, seriously, not one gloved hand that can hold the cigarettes or one bare hand that can grip the wands? The gloves themselves are soft on detail/paint yet the material is so rigid that it is terrifying to get them to hold the wands. Spenglers glasses are pretty terrible (thanks to Robbie for the custom glasses he made a while back). The proton pack buckle that is supposed to clasp around the front of the figure broke for many people first thing. QC issues with the electronics inside the proton packs were pretty common, on two of my three I had to wedge foil in between the batteries for them to stay in touch with the contacts. And geez, lets not forget about the figure stands, lol.

It is totally cool if someone thinks these are the best figures ever because they love Ghostbusters so much. I still really like my set. But, lets not go crazy on the hyperbole here.

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Yeah, me too. I was counting on that as I passed on the initial run thinking prices would come down on ebay and they never really did. I managed to get a Venkman for cheap when they were all over the place... but then Ray just disappeared all together. I figured sooner or later someone would unload their figures OR the inevitable re-release... but I was foiled again.

I guess I have the smallest Ghostbuster collection in the entire world.
Good, bad or whatever these are the only quality GB 1/6 figures on the market. At best it was a niche market. Product was on the shelf for quite a while, so if you wanted to purchase you could have. I'm sure the production run was not large (in comparison to HT lines). I never assumed Blitzway would do a second run. The reviews on these figures were a mixed bag. Re-releasing the figures with the release of Ecto-1 made sense, but would it have been cost effective? Probably not. What I've noticed over my years of collecting is that licenses like GB as desired as they may be on boards such as this one; the overall appeal is small. Product ultimately ends up in the hands of collectors who rarely sell and prices go up. The story may have been different if Soldier Story would have made their GB figures. It begs to question why those figures never got made. It was assumed they were not legit, but based on all the work that was shown they must of had the license.
I have the four pack. I also have about 150+ other figures ( that qualifies me as a newbie compared to some here I know) I don?t think they?re the best figures ever made but they?re, for me, in the top 5. They also are my favorite SET of figures. I would also say if things turned south and I was forced to sell my collection they would be the last to go.
I have the four pack. I also have about 150+ other figures ( that qualifies me as a newbie compared to some here I know) I don?t think they?re the best figures ever made but they?re, for me, in the top 5. They also are my favorite SET of figures. I would also say if things turned south and I was forced to sell my collection they would be the last to go.

You sound like me lol. I have around 150 figures also and if i sold everything the only collectibles i would keep would be the team and Ecto-1.
I own them all, like them a lot but I could only sell them together as a set if I was to get rid of them. My OCD wouldn't allow me to part ways with them individually and of course it has to be for the right price.

Per figure :lol
You sound like me lol. I have around 150 figures also and if i sold everything the only collectibles i would keep would be the team and Ecto-1.

I came so close to picking up the Ecto-1 ( I have the 89 and Tumbler Batmobles ) but the unbelievably sloppy wire work under the hood and on the top, to a lesser degree, stopped me. I just couldn't get past spending that much money and have such an obvious flaw...I just know it would have bugged
Yeah, me too. I was counting on that as I passed on the initial run thinking prices would come down on ebay and they never really did. I managed to get a Venkman for cheap when they were all over the place... but then Ray just disappeared all together. I figured sooner or later someone would unload their figures OR the inevitable re-release... but I was foiled again.

I guess I have the smallest Ghostbuster collection in the entire world.

Maybe they are creating a list of improvements for the V2 :lol
I think the complexity of all the components are what prevented a second run when the Ecto shipped and will prevent another run in the future. Blitzway struggles with production and keeping a schedule.
I am glad that I do not see a lot of these come up for sale because I would hate to be tempted to part with them by seeing how much they are going for. I have had my 4 pack since day one and have always imagined that if I ever decided to get out of 1/6 collecting this set would be the one thing that I would keep. The 4 look so great on display together that they make an amazing display piece even if you are not even a 1/6 collector and have no others on display. I have a pretty good collection with some key generally highly regarded pieces...whether they are the ?best? or not is irrelevant...they are definitely my favorite thing in my collection...and while I love Ghostbusters I am far from the movies number one fan.
Maybe hot toys will tackle this franchise in the future.

As great as that sounds, they would have to get the license first. Even then they have the Back to the Future but somehow inexcusably failed to make part 1 mall scene Doc :mad:

I don't have confidence they would A) take on the project and B) Make all the primary characters.
Hot Toys would not make Winston.

You are giving them too much credit they would not make Winston and either Egon or Ray but they would make Peter, either Egon or Ray and an exclusive World of the Psychic Peter with hairless cat (which I would of course cave in and buy)