Great looking repaint. Really brings out the sculpt.
That repaint shows how good the underlying sculpt is. How much does something like that cost?
Check pm please buddy.How much to get those custom paint job done again?
Great customer service and he was really fast. I won't quote the exact price, as its better to PM the guy yourself. All i can say is it took him 2 weeks and i have it back in my hands. He showed me a pic of his own repainted Winston... and man... its only a matter of time !! I'm fortunate that i live in Hong Kong and so does he, so postal wise I don't have to be anxious if it will be lost in the mail shipping overseas. I hope you guys can find a great local painter wherever you guys are located to help you bring Venkman and Zeddmore back to life ! Egon and Ray came out great, i don't need custom glasses... rather use the money for repaint.
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They were certain to end up making Zeddemore the rarest, between selling that three pack and I wouldn't be surprised if they made 1.5x Venkmans, assuming many people would buy him alone.
It was four pack or nothing for me. Just wish they added Sigourney Weaver to the set
I still think offering a 3-pack of Ghostbusters was a poor decision. There are four Ghostbusters, not three. Leaving out Winston from the set is a lame move.
LOL sarcasm at its finest ! Hell yeah ! Damn the company for giving options....
I don't understand why they'd give buyers the option of not buying the fourth Buster.
That's like offering someone 3 tires .... what are you going to do with 3 tires?
They might as well offer a 2-pack of Spengler and Stanz as well, if it was really about "options".
Obviously any real fan will pick the complete 4 Ghostbuster pack.
It came with the most extras (No Ghost sign, barricade, etc) and any Ghosthead would not consider anything less. Some might not see Winston as important as a 3 vs 4 tires scenario. Maybe closer to a manual vs power windows?
That being said, again... having options is a good thing.
Why the option? Money? Shelf Space? No interest in Winston? Alot of members choose the 3 pack OVER the 4 pack which means it was an appreciated gesture. If Winston is hard to find and people are regretting not ordering all 4 at the time of release, its not really Blitzway's fault. They sold him separately and as a 4 pack. Wasn't like "the only way to get Winston is order all 4" or nothing.