Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures

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Must purchase I think for me.

Extra heads give a reson to re-purchase because now I display 2 of them....

I actually dislike straight re-releases. A New release should be improved or include an extra head sculpt....of course we end up with something like Hot Toys Batman, which is a complete disaster, or Batman Bale complete disaster....
Sucks to be me, having bought the 4-pack on release. Now they're re-releasing them with improved headsculpts.

I coulda sworn when they re-released the Ecto, they said there weren't going to re-release the figures.

Two scoops of a poop sandwich, with this and Legolas' price.
Those look like they've got movable eyes...

The sculpts do look a whole lot better there, but of course we know the production paint jobs won't be close to that level. And they're still waaay too tan for some reason.
They do look fantastic, though I expect some degradation in production so what you see on the shelf won't be that exactly. Depending on price I might reup.

That new Ray expression is the same as one Rocco did years ago.
I really would love to know the price. I passed originally because the price was too damn high in 2016... so I imagine Blitzwat will remain true to form and ask an absurd amount in 2024.

I said $380... but I bet that's about right given these new updates.

That's over $1600 for the quartet after shipping and tax.