Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic


Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

"Coming soon..."

Yet, remember:
"I spoke with Blitzway last week...," post #502

But then again, didnt the "informant" say in post #572:
"...but I dont actually live in Korea or know personally anyone at Blitzway." Which will contradict stuff in other posts...

"so photography is being done as we speak..." post #522


"Just had some feedback from Blitzway, they made tweaks but still feel they want to make a few more to get it perfect, I've been told new info will be soon..." Another post from 6-03-2010.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Isn't Alex's number 655321, not double 6.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

You're a friendly bundle of joy, aren't you? :monkey3

I am. Why do you ASSUME that was meant or said in a nasty or standoff-ish way? It appears that you are not so friendly, by your reaction, a simple answering of my question. He asked, I answered. How can you tell someones emotions or intent when saying something via your screen and seeing their text? Good try, though...
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Why do you ASSUME 'villains' wasn't paying you a compliment, remarking positively on just how friendly you are? You answered, he complimented you. How can you tell someones emotions or intent when saying something via your screen and seeing their text? Oh, the cleverness of it all!

Yes, telling someone to read a 100-something-page book to find an answer that could be given here in just a couple of sentences is indeed a sign of great pleasantry. When I picture you now, I picture a man with places to go and people to see. When you walk the streets, strangers say, 'What a man that is, that's a somebody if I ever saw one.'

Just talking to the air though, the number was shortened for the film. In the book it was '6655321' and in the film it was '655321.'
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Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Great looking figure. But there have been so many Scarface collectibles made over the years -the excitement is mostly gone.

Now, Pacino from The Godfather Part II -now we're talkin.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Great looking figure. But there have been so many Scarface collectibles made over the years -the excitement is mostly gone.

Now, Pacino from The Godfather Part II -now we're talkin.

Any new figure that blows all that came before it out of the water would have to be worth getting excited about, even if it's a familiar character. If the proto pics are a good reflection of what is on the way, I'll be getting this one f'sure.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Any new figure that blows all that came before it out of the water would have to be worth getting excited about, even if it's a familiar character. If the proto pics are a good reflection of what is on the way, I'll be getting this one f'sure.

My thoughts exactly. Whatever was made before, they don't even come close this one in craftsmanship.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I am. Why do you ASSUME that was meant or said in a nasty or standoff-ish way?

...Because all your posts have been either nasty and/or standoff-ish. Hmm, you're a typical keyboard warrior i highly suspect has an incredibly small willy :lecture
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

1. As evidenced by what? "the "delusions of grandeur...," please elaborate and point it out, as all I was pointing out was the FAIL, of the continual "coming soon...," posting with nothing to show for it. :
It was an ironic quote, meant for comic effect.

2. I never stated that YOU should get the info when I want, when I want it et. please, point out to me anywhere I said that, please. :
Erm, try Google, it's full of information is the interwebs-

3. Exactly, you don't live in Korea, your info is based on NOTHING but on the dependence of another individual and nothing is clear after that from us fans perspective. You know NO ONE from Blitzway, yet come on this thread disseminating info like you did, have other boardies hanging on every post (whether you intended that or not, it is what occurred) and when there's a product like this that people want, and you immerse yourself in giving info and it is perceived that you, and you carry on like wind up looking like a dope when things fall through, there is inactivity or the info given is way off or nowhere near from accurate.:
Ooooh, personal... Well I guess next time I get any news or pics sent to me I should just sit on them and keep all that info to myself.
I just show and tell when I have something to show... and something to tell!

4. "I was approached by them with the pics first posted in this thread then I was told we would be getting more pics and info soon..." YES - you see, you took it upon yourself to then post on here and be the "breaking news guy" or the "informant" of the thread, and it did not work. THATS ALL I POINTED OUT IN THIS THREAD - you don't like the pie in your face? It's ok, I can see that... :nana::
I never appointed myself as anything, just spreading the collectibles love... you know, love, the opposite to hate... oh well, worth a try.

5. "I actually emailed Blitzway earlier today (UK time) but I haven't had a reply as yet."
Oh thank you, since you are such an important person, more than others on here, or the self proclaimed/anointed informant, I thank you deeply for doing that for me, since no one else wouldve had the ability to do such a difficult task.:
You're welcome, anytime.:1-1:

6. "But if it does ever come out, rest assured I shall try and do a mediocre review of it, just for you " Thanks for not disappointing, ever.:

BTW - thanks for the civil and very respectful reply. As all I gave was critique and pointed out the failure of info being disseminated and the inaccuracy of it. Especially pointing out the fact that the person doing so, is inept and has no first hand knowledge of what is really going on. That is no reason to bash, argue or be nasty; as this is a discussion board and banter like this should be expected among passionate fans of these collectibles and licenses. Thanks! :goodpost:
"Coming soon..."

Yet, remember:
"I spoke with Blitzway last week...," post #502

But then again, didnt the "informant" say in post #572:
"...but I dont actually live in Korea or know personally anyone at Blitzway." Which will contradict stuff in other posts...

"so photography is being done as we speak..." post #522


"Just had some feedback from Blitzway, they made tweaks but still feel they want to make a few more to get it perfect, I've been told new info will be soon..." Another post from 6-03-2010.
Still no news this morning!... so sorry.

...Because all your posts have been either nasty and/or standoff-ish. Hmm, you're a typical keyboard warrior i highly suspect has an incredibly small willy :lecture


Rest assured if I hear anything I will let you know, but feel free to email them in the link above.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I for one think that it's great that folks like Wookster keep newbs like me up to date with release information. Thanks to Wookster being bothered to keep his finger on the pulse while I couldn't, I know I can rely on him to make it known when things become available.

Wookster's updates, even when they are of the 'stay tuned' variety, are immeasurably more insightful and helpful to collectors than posts that complain about what a waste of time these updates are.

For the sake of this thread, which everybody but one person seems to value, I suggest that all posts from hereon in remain on thread topic :)
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

why does Pacino only grant likeness for Scarface and not Godfather?

I have that photo of him holding the gun about to shoot solutzo and the police chief and think it would make one great pose. and it's so famous because that's the scene that saved Copolla from being taken off the film.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Watched Pacino's Actors Studio today...made me want this figure bad.

As for a Part II that is a Grail piece.

Break or Wookster - any new info on Enterbay's Tony Montana or Leon?