Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Dang, I'd love to get one but I have a feeling he will be expensive especially if I have to pay shipping from overseas.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Dang...Go to add it to the list... Now I need a matching Godfather, which I have been putting off forever....
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I'll get this unless of course the EB one is different... if both companies do different outfits I'll get both! I swear this movie is great... damn wannabie gangstahs trashing it's name...
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

That's a great 12", mhhh maybe ...
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I'll get this unless of course the EB one is different... if both companies do different outfits I'll get both! I swear this movie is great... damn wannabie gangstahs trashing it's name...

I agree, I hate when you see rappers that have scarface posters in their homes when they probably havent even seen the movie. Hell, id be suprised if they could tell you who played in it. :rotfl But this figure looks incredible!:yess:
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

wow. amazing figure. love the outfit and the paint especially. just unbelievable tailoring. i need to examine some tony pics though. for some reason i'm missing the 100% pacino likeness. it's damn close, but something small... might just be the cool expression. maybe when he pulled that face in the movie he did look exactly like this sculpt. maybe the eyes need to be slightly bigger or something. WGAF anyway - he comes with a CHAIR!:



Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I actually only bought the SS version quite recently (January I think), so that seems like a bit of a waste of money now, but I think this looks good enough that I won't care. Hopefully. :lol
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

The expression reminds me of when it first hits Tony that Manny's been hooking up with Gina and he draws his gun.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

So; no US retailers will carry this. And the only way to acquire this piece will be...?

Oh, and release date?
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Ask and you shall receive... but patience is a virtue.

A few more pics here, and more news should be available next week on price etc... and YES, we do get the CHAIR!




I dunno, not seeing much of pacino there, but the essence and character of scarface is there (judging from the comic and the video games I played :lol)
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

So; no US retailers will carry this. And the only way to acquire this piece will be...?

Oh, and release date?

No set firm date, though I think June was mentioned, that seems a bit quick, but this is theyre first product so its hard to judge.

The good news is they seem to have cleared up likeness issues quickly as far as getting us these images.

I'm sure some U.S. dealers will carry this, probably even on this board.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Looks awesome, looking forward to seeing in hand pics, not to mention what else they might have up their sleeve.....
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I forgot to mention that they told me they are going to do some tweaking to the HS.