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Did you get the gun in with it strapped on to the holster as well?.
No,the gun comes in its own slot on the package tray.Actually it's kind of difficult to place the gun any other way then the way i said cause of the strap that suppose to go over the gun.:wink1:
Debating if I should get a TTL black stripe suit or use the sideshow battle damaged suit

Any freaks try both suits ?
Thx guys
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Your Tony's lookin' great Lejuan! Just one thing, could you unbutton the top button of his inner white polo shirt and lower it to the level of the vest so it look like a v-neck cut just like in the movie. I don't know how'll you mod it but I know you can haha. Other than that..perfect!

I really like this movie and his character but there's so much more awesome stuff going on the other side (HT) so I just get this on retail market and by then I could also check the QC of this product and not relying on proto pics from EB.
DAMN! IS THAT Black suit from the Sideshow just like ymba offered for us??
where did u get that suit Lejuan?

DAMN! IS THAT Black suit from the Sideshow just like ymba offered for us??

It's the TTL Black stripes suit - I picked this up on ebay a couple months back. I don't know how it compares with the SS version.

Your Tony's lookin' great Lejuan! Just one thing, could you unbutton the top button of his inner white polo shirt and lower it to the level of the vest so it look like a v-neck cut just like in the movie. I don't know how'll you mod it but I know you can haha. Other than that..perfect!


Cheers Jay! I'll definitely try this with the shirt. I haven't had nearly enough time with this guy - the kids don't give me enough play time of my own :lol

great pics Lejuan! Tony looks pissed!!!

This figure has so much attitude. Just the two accessories, a cigar and a hand gun, but they offer a lot of posing options (there's the chair too of course). Somewhere down the track I might try out a body swap, 'cause better elbows would just be the icing on the cake - but for the moment just having him sitting there looking pissed at the world is awesome :D

I guess there may be some people who aren't blown away by this figure, but sucks to be them IMO :wink1: The head sculpt and paint is first class - they nailed the expression, and the genuine fringe of spiky hair adds to the realism. I was quick to change the white suit to a dark one, but the white suit really makes the figure stand out on the shelf. I haven't really run the body through its paces, but it seems sturdy and it hangs well - no floppy or brittle joints there.

I wasn't a fan of the chair when I first saw the pics, but I'm sold on it now. It is a simple symbol of Tony's opulence and decadence and adds extra presence to the figure.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of this guy as freaks here take delivery. It kind of feels like an exclusive club, made up of those who took a chance that BW would deliver. I'm still too excited about this figure to really give too much thought to what they'll do next, but damn did they make a splash with their first release. It's a good result all round, for BW, for the hobby and for my collection :)
My only issue is the BW suit is tailored to fit the new figure. The SS black suit fits, but it doesnt look as sharp as the white one IMO.
My only issue is the BW suit is tailored to fit the new figure. The SS black suit fits, but it doesnt look as sharp as the white one IMO.

The TTL suit isn't as sharp either, but it is a good alternative suit. Somehow I can't see BW not releasing a shoot-out Tony at some point. I hope they flesh out the line.
No,the gun comes in its own slot on the package tray.Actually it's kind of difficult to place the gun any other way then the way i said cause of the strap that suppose to go over the gun.:wink1:

Yea, what i mean't was did you get that strap over the gun?, its a tight fit.
Hey Wookster it goes in upside down with the handle facing towards the back.At first i thought it was inaccurate but upon watching the movie again i noticed that's how Tony wears the gun.I hope this bit of info helps.^_^

Cheers, thats how I had it... in fact is was the only way I could get it in, glad thats how it should be. I had checked om IMFDB but it just seemed wrong. Thanks again!
I haven't really run the body through its paces, but it seems sturdy and it hangs well - no floppy or brittle joints there.

do you like the magnetic feet? do you feel that if you posed him standing without the chair to have his hand on he'll fall over? just interested, i like what BW did here and think that it's a better alternative to the HT stands, but i wonder if they'll stand the test of time.
do you like the magnetic feet? do you feel that if you posed him standing without the chair to have his hand on he'll fall over? just interested, i like what BW did here and think that it's a better alternative to the HT stands, but i wonder if they'll stand the test of time.

I have have had him seated in his chair since I got him, but when I took the pics of him standing he felt very stable and sturdy (with TTL's black shoes that aren't magnetic). I have a few floppy bodies - SS stormie, EB Bean and EB Ip Man - and this one doesn't feel at all like these. I think BW did a good job with their body - but I haven't had him standing on his own for any real length of time. My guess is he'll hold up well :)
Yeah I found the body to be good and firm. The legs are ratcheted so no probs there. He stands fine without the stand but if deff adds stability. Sadly the ankle articulation isn't the stiffest part, so no bullet time or 'smooth criminal' leanage.