They are using them for eyes so they can avoid the googly eyed effect that they are known for. Using decals for battle scars is so pathetic IMO, unless they looked very realistic but this is not the case, they just made simple looking designs and slapped them on there.
The scars don't, paint job doesn't either but that is only speculation.
Yeah I would say I am guilty of that to but nevertheless, it seems that a lot of people are in denial about how good this looks to. And using decals fro battle scars is a cheap and lazy method to use on a statue. However, using decals in general for statues like for their eyes etc or something that shouldn't be sculpted onto the statue like Battle scars should of been with this piece is fine.
Well other than the paint job this pretty much is identical to the prototype except for the hair and maybe the lack of striation and vascularity to.
Then this company is not for you then, except for the accuracy part. I don't get blitzway, I mean come on what is the point on making the sculpt PVC if they going to not paint it realistically, which then makes it look like a plastic toy head and not a realistic like EB 1/4 figure heads?

I was hoping they would step up and make the paint job better on this but no it looks pretty much the same as the GOD one. It might as well of been polystone because although that has a stone effect it doesn't have that that plastic toy look about it.
The likeness is great and perhaps better than the GOD, but the paint job really lets it down and since it is shirtless this is more noticeable than it is on the GOD statue, because your main focus when you look at that is the suit. Still a decent statue though but I think people are over praising it as I am am probably under praising it.