Can you take a pic of it directly from front on like this pic below but one that shows the entire statue?
And on these angles?
Sorry, Steve, I won't. This piece just doesn't photograph well, at least with the digital equipment I own, which is essentially my cellphone and a lousy point'n'shoot cam, since I still shoot film. I know mine's fine and I don't need it scrutinized. Please understand.
Just take my word for it, certain angles from certain cameras do play a big part in how it looks in pics, but, as often the case, in hand this piece looks much better than it seems. Probably not up to your standards, but still better than most people have been led to believe. I'm glad I took the plunge.
I'm glad about that.i think it was me being disappointed with this being my last bruce item,i was blown away by the proto,then seeing the 1st pics (they got much better in the end)but I wasn't blown away when I got him due to(I think you know what)it's still a very nice statue AND it does look great next to GOD more so in a dim light(maybe my sweat app is worse than yours?).but I'm frustrated at some of the things blitzway have done.but I agree mate we all see things differently.
Not to single you out at all, Chris, but if I'm not mistaken you haven't got many 'high-end' statues, right? I say so because many
Sideshow statue threads turn into a moanfest when the first in-hand pics turn up, so perhaps I'm more used to initial general disappointment than you are and know to take those with a pinch of salt.
Funnily enough, it's people complaining about the complainers that usually get on my nerves there, as they tend to come across as apologists that pay no attention to what perfectly valid comments are being made. They just think their beloved company can't do wrong and happily throw away their hateful "Some people just like to complain" mantra. Here, I thought some comments were justified, others not so much. But in the end I lived and let live, so to speak, especially once better pics did surface indeed - not that it put an end to certain comments, but hey.
About the sweat application, mine is probably just as "bad" as everyone else's. Particularly, I'm thinking of that sweat drop running down the right area of his stomach, and some other glob on his arm. There's certainly room for improvement there, but, again, I think the overall effect is not that bad and I probably can't spot every detail where I have it displayed.
the proto looks like he's leaning to his left

(I STILL want that one

Lol, precisely. There really wasn't that
huge of a difference imo.