Blu Ray will soon lose to HD DVD

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I actually read an article like a couple of weeks ago on Yahoo that most porn companies were going Blu-Ray. Oh well, I don't really like Blu-Ray.

Ok so, Advantages of Blu-Ray:
-Larger Size

Advantages of HD-DVD
-Technology is cheaper
-HD-DVD's are cheaper
-Allows for Combo discs (one side HD-DVD, other side standard dvd)
-Better movies

And once they release an updated version of the Xbox 360 with HDMI and stuff then I'm going for that with the HD-DVD addon (unless they integrate that somehow).
Blu-Ray is the future. Just go into any store and HD-DVDs aren't even on display anymore....

As far as Porn. Well, they can keep it on HD DVD. As it has no place in my home anyway.
The ill Jedi said:
Come on, if we can afford to support the addiction that is SSC it should be no problem to afford a PS3. I have a PS3 and I have had ZERO bugs, it works perfectly; for those that say, *in a whiny voice* "I only see frozen PS3's" are probably only saying that 'cause they've seen the display systems at stores. You talk about killer apps? Yeah there aren't many YET, but PS3 had Resistance right off the bat, it took 360 over a year to come with Gears of War. Once PS3 comes with Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone, Resident Evil 5, God of War 3 and Devil May Cry 4, it will blow the 360 outta the water.

technically it took sony a year to come out with Resistance because the 360 came out a year before the ps3. Resident evil 5 will be on the 360.
Agent23 said:
Blu-Ray is the future. Just go into any store and HD-DVDs aren't even on display anymore....

As far as Porn. Well, they can keep it on HD DVD. As it has no place in my home anyway.

There are reasons you don't see HD-DVD on endcaps of stores. I know that Blu-Ray has been a HUGE marketing campign right now and is giving stores incentives to display Blu-Ray drives/movies. In all the stores I goto the movie areas have equal areas.

The thing is you may not buy porn but the $ they bring in can't be ingored. They are a bigger force to be dealt with then any movie studio that trys to be exclusive with a format.
mfoga said:
The thing is you may not buy porn but the $ they bring in can't be ingored. They are a bigger force to be dealt with then any movie studio that trys to be exclusive with a format.

Sadly that is true. The Adult Film industry makes millions of dollars a year maybe even billions.
mfoga, you are right. I can't argue with you. It's just something that I was never really into. So, it's no loss to me.

I think in the end, both formats will do well. It's not like the old days, when you had to wait for the video store to get the newest rentals in.

Nowadays, we have so many choices....Pay-Per-View, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, VHS (for those still living in the stone age, lol). And, HBO, Showtime, etc....for those who wait.

So, there could be a big enough piece of pie for both formats, IMO.

mfoga said:
The thing is you may not buy porn but the $ they bring in can't be ingored. They are a bigger force to be dealt with then any movie studio that trys to be exclusive with a format.

Definitely right!!! The Porn Industry makes more money a year head to head than the total Box Office revenue and DVD sales of everything else combined. I read that in an article of Forbes magazine (have to double check) over last summer and was amazed. Even though I can't remember the figures, I know they were mind-blowing.
wookilar8 said:
If HD-DVD is winning then how come most commercials for new DVD movies say soon available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Marketing brother, marketing. Sony is pushing really hard but they are still losing the sales battle. People like cheaper alternatives...this is why VHS was the victor over Beta and why HD will win over Blu-ray in the end.
to be 100% honest i think the winning format will be decided by..... WalMart. once they start carrying HD DVD or Blu Ray over the regular dvds the war will truly be over. IMO i hope sony loses this round. simply because i think the PS2 sucked after they defeated the Dreamcast and N64. to me it seemed as they got lazy and didnt need to work harder after they won that particular console fight. and they lazily walked into this round with the PS3 against none other than a more financially backed Microsoft and a revamped Nintendo. im a gamer so i'll eventually buy all the new systems, but right now i predict sony losing this round to Nintendo with the 360 coming in a close second. i think the PS3 is way overpriced regardless of what quirks the system has built in, and they expected people to just shell out undisclosed amount of cash because of the Playstation name.
~~ one thing that really ticks me off are the Sony nutswingers that preached the high ground with the PS2..."real gamers dont care about graphics, all that should be important gameplay" now that the PS3 supposedly has a more powerful system (that has now been proven to be hype) everything has been reversed to how much more important the graphics are. MS did their homework with the 360 and most definitely got the developer support that is needed, and the industries' best online support i think microsoft is here to stay in the console business.
Hehe. I'm not sure I want to see HD porn. I've seen some of the actresses up close at trade shows - ekk!

I prefer my porn blurry - LOL.
tinister said:
Hehe. I'm not sure I want to see HD porn. I've seen some of the actresses up close at trade shows - ekk!

I prefer my porn blurry - LOL.
lol...with all the blurs and squiggly lines right??? adds to the mystery???
wookilar8 said:
If HD-DVD is winning then how come most commercials for new DVD movies say soon available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Because it means that the studio thats putting it out is in bed with Blu-Ray. Also with the whold PS3 thing all over they are trying to run with Blu-Ray being mentioned so much.
Walmart wont be a deciding factor in my mind. They will have both since both are going to make them money and if jumping on one and not the other could be a very risky move for a retailer. If that format loses they now are screwed since they put all there eggs in one basket.
We won't see a clear winner for at least 3 years. This is a major push. Sony touted the UMD disks in the PSP as the next step of on the go gaming and video and that lost. Took about a year and a half I think. So I think with Blu-Ray, costing so much, with more studios going HD over Blu, Blu will put up a fight but it will lose. If not lose, have a small amount of the market with HD dominating.
i've said it before, but Blu Ray is a great invention.....for computers. but for everyday home use its way too expensive right now. even the cheapest Blu Ray burner costs $700+ and from what the nerd at best buy told me all it does is burn blu ray and thats it. he told me it doesnt read or write any other format, and to play Blu Ray you need to download special software (i dont know if he's right, but im not concerned enough to check it)
Well, right now there are the Blu-Ray burners which are extremely expensive. And they can only burn blu-ray discs, and as far as playing them, I don't think they can (no software). However, there is a program that can play HD-DVD's on the PC, WinDVD 8 has the capability. And soon to come is an HD-DVD burner that can burn/play CD, DVD, and HD-DVD (multiple lasers) but it will probably be expensive.

Oh and, I don't think Wal-Mart would lose anything if one of the formats it's carrying goes out, I believe they can just send back stuff to the manufacturer that they can't sell or no longer want to sell.

And UMD was stupid, it only worked on the PSP right? And it's not like those are extremely popular...
The Blu-ray folks are smoking crack if they think they will completely replace DVDs in three years. Replacing HD DVD is an attainable goal. But rendering regular DVD obsolete? Who are they kidding?

When DVD got rolling it was widely accepted with no format war, and it still took a while to completely replace VHS. Both Blu-ray and HD DVD are currently selling miniscule amounts of discs. People with 30-40" TVs just don't see a dramatic difference. They are a LONG way from mainstream popularity, much less the total dominance required to completely replace DVD altogether.

The Departed sold 20,000 copies on Blu-Ray and 13,000 copies on HD DVD. (That means BR is outselling HD DVD by a margin of only about 3:2 in this case. Recent sales have shown a 2 to 1 lead--and that in weeks with major BR releases and nothing new on HD DVD. A 60/40 split is certainly not enough of a BR lead to declare the format war to be over just yet. When BR outsells 20 or 30 to 1 then we can talk about an end to the war.)

In a time when new releases on DVD sell millions of copies in their first day or two, 33,000 copies in a week from both formats combined means that HD discs have a LONG way to go before we can start talking about mainstream acceptance. Pirates 2 sold over ten million copies in a week on standard DVD. When it comes to high def discs, there's a lot of publicity and talk, but the numbers simply aren't there. All of the arrogant congratulatory back slapping and premature victory speeches of the Blu-ray crowd, and they can only sell 20,000 copies of a major title? We simply aren't seeing enough sales to warrant claims like this.

They must be so concerned about beating HD DVD that they don't see the bigger picture and they fail to realize how much of a niche market this remains. I just don't see how they are making the leap from current sales in the few thousands per title to complete and total market domination and the total obsolescence of DVD in the next 36 months. Sony's Blu-ray strategy is almost completely dependent upon the popularity of the PS3, and it is not exactly flying off store shelves at the moment. They are sitting in large stacks at my local stores and collecting dust that only gets blown off when a crowd of people run past in an attempt to chase down a Wii.

I have a PS3 and several Blu-ray discs, and I enjoy them. But the level of hubris I am hearing from the BR camp is just shocking at times.