Blue Flame of the West/Mod
I know what you are saying, and for myself, I am in complete agreement. But I still don't think even the target audience is as accepting of multiple formats as we are. Perusing the "discussions" over at, I see an overwhelming majority of posters who are firmly in one camp or the other, with no support or even tolerance of the other. And these are the people who should be the target audience, at least for now.
Also, while I think winning over the home theater enthusiast segment of the market would be a big win for now, I don't think any of the studios or hardware manufacturers will be happy with that level of market penetration long term. Their goal has to be the replacement of DVD, or else they will be bleeding red ink (from their HD divisions) for a long time to come.
I wonder how many of them are like George Lucas, who believes that downloading is the way of the future. I think that compared to the old days when a VHS player was your only option, the multiple methods of watching a movie these days--even in high def--means that HD discs are going to have a hard time becoming the standard. Looks at CDs--young people today don't buy them, they just download the songs they want. I can conceive of the home video industry going that way, even though that's not what I personally want to see happen.