That's what really bothers me about companies, it's not about what is right for the consumer it's all about what is right for their bottom line. Most businesses are completely unethical. Take Coke for example, originally it was made with cocaine as a primary ingredient and the only reason it was changed is because they were forced to change it. It still hasn't gotten better, Coke is the leading cause of obesity and other major health problems. Why is the stuff still being made....because it fills some fat cats pocket with money. Other things as well, like cigarettes which cause cancer and are extremely addictive. Guess what guys, they can be made without nicotine -the active ingredient that causes the addiction but they choose not to so that slaves to the drug continue to buy. We are mere pawns to these big companies.
Now some may say I am jumping to extremes and being irrational here but this situation is exactly the same, it all boils down to the consumer not being able to make the decision because the companies have already made it for them. "We are offering more selection by going exclusively blu ray....Blu Ray is better for you so take it!!!
Now some may say I am jumping to extremes and being irrational here but this situation is exactly the same, it all boils down to the consumer not being able to make the decision because the companies have already made it for them. "We are offering more selection by going exclusively blu ray....Blu Ray is better for you so take it!!!

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