No termites, never ever going to get them now. The garage is still upside down but I've started pulling fembods together for a photo shoot. 'Fraid it's pretty disorganized, but I'm accumulating a nice little pile. I'll probably remember something after I've measured and shot them. I hope I can identify them all. There's a Sea Int'l, couple different Sideshows, a BBi Cy, a version 1 BBi Perfect Body, a HeroBuilders, a Yamata (Yamato?), an Eleanor's Girls (Women of Valor?) and an Otaku. I really ought to build myself a custom one of these days...
Now I'll have to decide what to do about the Otaku. I think I'm going to have to "censor" it visually. Photobucket thinks it's doll porn. Maybe I'll just leave it in its li'l white bikini.

Now I'll have to decide what to do about the Otaku. I think I'm going to have to "censor" it visually. Photobucket thinks it's doll porn. Maybe I'll just leave it in its li'l white bikini.