Bowen Statues/Busts - Look what's coming!

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Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!


Sunfire? Isn't he some superhero from Japan with the red n white uniform? So, soooo long ago. Still, what a different pose from the usual Bowen pose. I wonder how it sits on the base.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

Future doesnt Looks Bright for Bowen!
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

Sunfire? Isn't he some superhero from Japan with the red n white uniform? So, soooo long ago. Still, what a different pose from the usual Bowen pose. I wonder how it sits on the base.

While I may be among a minority, I actually like these blast from the past sculptures. Sure, it might remind some of us of our age, however, it also represents what we grew up reading and perhaps still resonante most with. In that "blast from the past" regard, BD has generally ruled that particular terrain.

This piece looks very promising, perhaps especially because it appears unlike the status quo.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

While I may be among a minority, I actually like these blast from the past sculptures. Sure, it might remind some of us of our age, however, it also represents what we grew up reading and perhaps still resonante most with. In that "blast from the past" regard, BD has generally ruled that particular terrain.

This piece looks very promising, perhaps especially because it appears unlike the status quo.

Nothing wrong with buying what you like or appreciates something thats a "blast from the past". I just wasn't sure if its the same char with the same name I've seen sooo long ago. The costume doesn't match my recollection. Marvel bios shows a couple artist's adaptation.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

Even though the show was a bit lame, am I the only one who would like to see a statue of Rouge based on her appearance in X-Men: Evolution? I really dug her goth design in the series.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

I find it funny that the face is in complete shadow, considering that is the one aspect of the piece that people were complaining about. I'll wait until I see if we're going to end up with 'Latino' Frank Castle.

I love the concept, the pose. I want this sculpt but I won't be buying it if it's the same face sculpt we saw before.
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Yeah a bit less ridiculous now.but still this should not be priced over $250 IMO.
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

that's still as much as a PF :cuckoo:
When Sideshow makes a PF or a Comiquette Wendigo then you can compare prices, but since they don't Bowen is the only game in town if you want a Wendigo.

I suspect that if Sideshow ever made a Wendigo at the same scale a PF/Comiqutte Hulk it would be a very large sculpt seeing how Wendigo is significantly larger than Hulk or Abomination and the price tag would most likely be in the $400-$500 range.
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

The problem with some Bowen fans (and non fans) is that they seem to expect $350 comiquette level quality for $200. It will never happen -- not unless BD gets to charge $350 for a piece as well (and even then...).

Thing is, even if SS and BD charge the same retail price for a piece doesn't mean their profit margins are the same. BD likely sells to dealers far more than they do to individual customers which means less profit hence less money to go into the final product. Regardless what some fans might feel for BD, profit margins play a huge role in the materials used on the final product.
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Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

The problem with some Bowen fans (and non fans) is that they seem to expect $350 comiquette level quality for $200. It will never happen -- not unless BD gets to charge $350 for a piece as well (and even then...).

Thing is, even if SS and BD charge the same retail price for a piece doesn't mean their profit margins are the same. BD likely sells to dealers far more than they do to individual customers which means less profit hence less money to go into the final product. Regardless what some fans might feel for BD, profit margins play a huge role in the materials used on the final product.

Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

At over 17" tall and at that pose, it actually is the same size as a PF or comiquette, and yeah... the edition sizes on Bowen's modern stuff typically isn't any different than SSC's. Not sure where some of you guys are getting your facts from --> :cuckoo:

Great move by BD to lower the price. It's not for me, but still a great looking piece for sure.
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

At over 17" tall and at that pose, it actually is the same size as a PF or comiquette, and yeah... the edition sizes on Bowen's modern stuff typically isn't any different than SSC's. Not sure where some of you guys are getting your facts from --> :cuckoo:

Great move by BD to lower the price. It's not for me, but still a great looking piece for sure.

In the end, who cares why the price was adjusted? As usual, people generally believe the price adjustment was made for either the most noblest of reasons or the most desperate of reasons. For the sake of argument, I'd choose a quick nickel over a slow dime anyday.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

^^^^ Not a fan. Part of Cap's appeal is his costume and the "colors" it represents. I understand what Bowen is going for with this statue, but it simply doesn't work for me.

Not as a Cap fan, nor as a consumer.