Bowen Statues/Busts - Look what's coming!

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Very beautiful sculpt... who did it?


I think that BD is on a mission to make me eat my words...This is the kind of stuff that made me start collecting in the first place. Simplicity of the pose reminds me of the very first Cap FS modern

Just wow! :clap:clap

Definitely getting this one :hi5::hi5:
Bowen Classic Punisher


Now that's what I'm talkin' about! A classic pose for an icon. Was never in love with the white gloves - I have the older Bowen FS statue with Frank clad all in black but this statue, with the dual nines just seems to nail it. Preordered!
Re: X-23 Bowen Statue

I find she looks really good. Although I wont be getting her..Beta Ray and Thanos is expensive enough :(
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Re: Bowen Classic Punisher

I like Bowens 1st Punisher statue much more than this one. That and SSC's comiquette are all the Punisher statues I need.
Re: Doctor Doom Modern

Got my Doom the other day. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I really love this statue! Sculpt and paint are awesome, and Byrne's Doom is the one I grew up with, so it's naturally my favorite version of him.



Re: Doctor Doom Modern

Nice pics. I like the Doom classic. The Modern one doesn't do anything for me.
Re: Bowen Classic Punisher

That does look pretty cool, but why is it $50 over retail through SS?

$225 is pricey but i love it. My favorite 3-D representation of Classic Punisher. I have him on order.

There was some sort of a price mix-up with this piece. On many websites (Not Bowen Designs) it was listed at $175, when BD officially put it up for order it's MSRP was $225 (not the $175, don't know where certain vendors got that $175 from?).
Re: Doctor Doom Modern

Got my Doom the other day. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I really love this statue! Sculpt and paint are awesome, and Byrne's Doom is the one I grew up with, so it's naturally my favorite version of him.

Doom is allright. Your Super Skrull is awesome.